
A thought towards publishing of ungrounded unproven ever "vital evidence" assumingly illegally privately kept by so called a descendant of a policeman took in relation to so called relevant to a specific case

It is not anyone's interest to know race religion of criminal suspects or criminals. Rather it is rights of suspects/criminal to keep information of himself/herself and his/her religion race relevant ppl. 

On top of that, proof must be severely strictly clearly built complied to proove an "evidence" as evidence of certain specific case and as an evidence link a specific victim to a specific suspect. 

A man of suspect who died in one of gang killings had ever had any criminal suspicion ever? Has ever his belongings such as his shirt after he stabbed another gang and at the occasion he left it by someone else's place coincidently one of victim form a big mystery case?

Otherwise, no policeman would could have stolen any evidence or any belongings of suspects. 

What more important to mention is that what actually quasi-nonfiction is pointing at is police authority, which is more seriously problematic of such unreasoned unscientific in scientific disguised, with privately "examine" DNA matching which can be concluded by any suspect belongings or any shirts with "victim blood" so called, maybe his blood can be. Such science disguised quasi-nonfiction not only intends to force people to condemn someone who was correctly properly released by police without any sufficient grounds to charge him but also to wrongly put purresures on police and police appropriate criminal procedures whenever police is doing quite correct right for the people to pritect everyone's human rights to live in peace without any violence or threats from crimes and irrational ungrounded fundamentalism anger, whenever wherever police is doing rationally legitimately legally logically quite right thing to do and that would not prove exactly what certain discriminative racial excision nazis NeoNazis fundamentalism organization has sought to see. Such book made me think of NeoNazis or nazis to drag ppl into the world of delusion of nazis NeoNazis reigns or dreamt of the world or stories asif everyone especially who are against Nazis or NeoNazis violence gang supremacy "interests" were in "reality" in the "world" Nazis Neinazis as if something really “bad" since in the world of Nazis NeoNazis gang violence robbery "world", good were "bad" bad were "good". Then Nazis NeoNazis gang violence supremacy has dreamt of police which arrest any good against gang violence supremacy and any bad against existing ordinal normal law that protects everyone's individual human rights to live in peace, stable economy and equal individual rights of property freedom safety of lives and body and quality of life from violence robbery fraud threatening against individual human rights property rights intellectual rights dignity peace of life. 

People  must keep legitimate ordinal normal world.