- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
The design of "Trophy hunting"
There have been intentional very fraudulent "rights" movement disguised funding which very "seamlessly" "rationalize" killing by trophy hunting by "justifying" trophy hunting to make money to "protect lions" not in literally meaning of protection but "protection lions in a sense lions are "cohabit" with farming and ranching in which fraudulent fund investors can earn as much as possible it can then at the end of the day lions all animals and all farmers ranchers are gone with bullets to the extent fraudlent fund can buy out all African lands with 0 pence as fraudulent fund along with some investors had done to Mali by luring Africans by farming ranching trophy hunting as lying to Africans as if farming ranching trophy hunting were making Africans rich and self reliance enough to raise their family without welfare or heavy tax. But actually, at the end of the day, funding just lend money to Africans to buy equipments and fertilizers then "recommend" or give free "very highly expertise advice for the people( not knowing agriculture or ranching)" about how to run agriculture or ranching to urge African people to plant / invest themselves intentionally unsuitable plants or animals at places of unsuitable. Then, as many African people in Mali had finally found themselves, all of such Africans are designed to be trapped to sell their lands to find due to the very heavy debts to buy agricultural equipments and seeds intentionally chosen to be very unmatched with the land in the first place. Or Africans are lured to buy lands in which funds intentionally carefully select to devastate Africans in difficulties to run ranch due to predators to cows pigs or other livestocks to the extent which inevitably substantially force Africans to ask such funds to set up trophy hunting to kill lions elephants - predators for ranchers despite the fact that normally professional ranchers won't buy such lands surrounded or near by lion elephant sanctuaries in the first place. As anyone can easily imagine of, off course African ranchers of such will pay for trophy hunting and get money in the name of "donation for making more lion elephant sanctuaries" to feed more lion elephant cubs for more trophy hunting which make fraudlent funds earn more easily more often by more killing "nationally allowed" because letting trophy hunters kill more lions and then feed by the money from trophy hunting for more cubs to be killed. Not much do farming or ranching make Africans rich whereas more Africans rely on trophy hunting fund fraud which is designed to let Africans to get easy money by allowing American "hunters" to kill as much as they wish(brutally). Africans could have been very highly decent business investors for tourism with safaris only if there had not been indecent brutal cruel poachers hired by same sort of fraudlent funding. At the end of the day, Africans cannot find proper ways to go but selling the lands of the whole nations after all those days of being dragged to the positions to continue co-operation of self killing cruel trophy hunting fraudlent fund until when no animal such as lions or elephants exist to be hunted. Before Africans cry and regret only if Africans had been with lions, elephants or so appealing for travelers and ensuring continued success in tourism business, only if Africans had chosen to start farming/ranching at places very very far from lions or elephants' sanctuaries; considering the immidiate situation of Zinbabe or other African Asian nations, such crime or fraudlent exploition of Africans' amature nature to agricultural technology or financing to be officially internationally investigated to be banned.
Trophy hunter
場所:Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Japan
立野 立野
平成27年2月から東京都東大和市桜が丘在住(平成27年2月まで新宿区早稲田町在住)2000/2005年英国Sussex大学法学部大学院修士卒 1984年日本大学文理学部心理学科卒
SussuexUniLawSchholLLM/MA'00/'05,NihonUniBA'84 Born in Suginami-KU Tokyo Japan.Living with my lovely dog Biscuit(Bisuke) in my owned newly built house in Higashiyamato-city Tokyo,Japan. Used to live in Waseda-Cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo in my owned flat. Working 5 days a week in a JP ministry as annual contract-base Ttranslation(J-E/E-J)STAFF.
Bloggin about criminal justicepolicies,budget,human rights, films,music,etc. Pro-UKLabourParty,Pro-Assad/Mubarak Anti-ISIS, AntiGreenParty/SNP
AntiMuslimbrotherhood/AntiViolence Antidiscrimination,AntiMarijuana&anypoisonous substances,Anticasino, AntiWSO 民主主義の実質化の一方法として政府案政治家案が立法化される前に政策分析政策批判政策提案を行い,選挙の投票だけでなく具体的な立法活動の途中でも政治家の政策講堂国会の政策形成に関わることのできる重要な要素インターネットでの政策形成参加の機会これからも大事に地球規模の問題を人権保障の為の調和外交的紛争解決反軍事反核拡散銃器規制薬物規制暴力組織規制徹底推進、反差別反暴力反ファシズムと平和的政治行動の視点から人権刑事政策自然災害予防自然災害救助軍縮差別原発廃炉などについて日本語や英語で書いたり私が撮影した写真や私の手作り料理なども載せます。
写真料理含め等全著作権が私冨田麻里に専一的に帰属All rights exclusively reserved for Mari Tomita.