This is my thoughts about "Spring" uprising and "fight of 1% against 99%" designed to exclude or demolish 99% and 0.99 % rich. 0.99 highly wealthy rich means that s/he has been contributing to piblic via tax, political measures public private services for 99%.
Spring or fight of 99% against 1% is very much designed to let 0.01 whitevikinhgang terrorism win over everything on this world by urging 99% to damage 0.99% who have been supporting serving for the 99%, not for 0.01 white supremacy vikinggang which rob ANY nations. 0.01 % whitevikinggang would say to 99% - "Oh pitty, only if you had not started such nasty violent riots upsurge insurgents against such 0.01 % very wealthy rich very educated very intellectual very rational genuine legitimate people who had been/could have been nice to you 99% all not only for economy, not only for their own dividends or sales but for humane care for others from the bottom of their hearts. "
I wrote this and put on my wall in the FaceBook this morning(2018/0413).
"Spring" has promoted violence to lead to devastation of every governance by certain extremists being openly paid and being flown drawn into Nazis Greens money to ensure crash currency equality human rights legal system parliament criminal justice medicine education and tax system to contribute to the world Nazis gang reigns. On the busy business day business hour how s/he can "protest" against governance by politicians correctly paid in transparency for the people. Face the fact. You can't be a politician without certain level of money. Actually ever American have to realize every "Spring" protesters have surely benefitted from Nazis money(and Evangelicals or Unification Church or World Liberty Democracy Association(which had been banned in by US government once in 80s) which has murdered 0.1 million South Americans and Middle East East European Ppl mainly Christians Jewish Palestinians and Islamic ppl or any for only one reason to rob lands and resources in every region.Spring" designed angle highly organized by Greens Nazis Evangelicals UnificationChurch only for wrong reason anti humanity and anti human rights anti governance anti police/law&order to promote "independently" urge ppl to devastate own community nation by crashing economy police governance for very wealthy gangs who want to demolish banks politicians law police economy in order to make every thing easier for very wealthy gangs just steal and kill or rob every wealth of ordinal very rich wealthy people who always benefits ordinal people via tax and economic activities for whether wealth or poor.
"Spring" is a war between gang wealthy and legal highly rich. "spring" are always using poor or middleclass extremists lured by gang illegal unethical money to kill themselves by crashing ordinal rich, such on the list of "Panama papers", whose legal ethical money into tax of foreign countries or own home land or their ordinal economic legal ethical activities whereas the "Spring" People are being forced or urged to be bent to white supremacy gang pirates robbery of such very wealthy highly rich illegally unethically by sending arms to ppl in making ppl to kill each other in hate.
And see! the "independent" highly organized people to kill 99% of America governance tax system for 0.01% who wants to occupy and rob America by 99% or 99.99(99%+0.99%) very wealthy rich (such ppl on the Panama papers) whose tax money contributing to 99% of America and Panama or under developing countries or regions which won't bend to Soros GreensNazismoneyto urge ppl to kill each other.
Look the people who "protesting" on business day! S/he is being paid by apparently "independent" Sanders Greens or has been benefitted by Sanders who has been "good" for gunship owners white supremacy Canabis business and NUKEs. "Spring" in Egypt Libya Sudan Syria all have been pretending as if fight for benefitting the people by damaging legitimacy of ordinal governance by politicians whereas "Spring" has promoted violence to lead to devastation of every governance by certain extremists being openly paid and being flown drawn into Nazis Greens money to ensure crash currency equality human rights legal system parliament criminal justice medicine education and tax system to contribute to the world Nazis gang reigns. On the busy business day business hour how s/he can "protest" against governance by politicians correctly paid in transparency for the people. Face the fact. You can't be a politician without certain level of money. Actually ever American have to realize every "Spring" protesters have surely benefitted from Nazis money(and Evangelicals or Unification Church or World Liberty Democracy Association(which had been banned in by US government once in 80s) which has murdered 0.1 million South Americans and Middle East East European Ppl mainly Christians Jewish Palestinians and Islamic ppl or any for only one reason to rob lands and resources in every region.Spring" designed angle highly organized by Greens Nazis Evangelicals UnificationChurch only for wrong reason anti humanity and anti human rights anti governance anti police/law&order to promote "independently" urge ppl to devastate own community nation by crashing economy police governance for very wealthy gangs who want to demolish banks politicians law police economy in order to make every thing easier for very wealthy gangs just steal and kill or rob every wealth of ordinal very rich wealthy people who always benefits ordinal people via tax and economic activities for whether wealth or poor.
Wall Street is not wrong. Bernie Sanders just "independent" because he is not for anyone of legitimate. Wall Street has been making economy better and fairer for the people via investing into share to reduce prices and increase wages whereas Bernie Sanders to devastate ordinal economy to create the world where only violence and gang robbery works which only benefits rich white supremacy gang and black supremacy gangs where no currency banks shares Wall Street and wages won't work. Think about it! No banks no wall streets no politicians no police no government, who would be happy with it? Banks don't take money from gangs terrorists. Wall Street don't take money from terrorists and gangs. Police is for the people to ask police to tackle terrorists and gangs. Governments politicians normally do take political donation from oil companies but normally don't take money from gangs terrorists wiliest gangs terrorists only have huge huge money which cannot be deposited or legally invested into banks Wall Street but pouring their unethical illegal huge money into "Spring" "protesters"and arms or hired solders all designed and used to devastate ordinal democracy, stable governance and peace to create the world where only rich gangs terrorists reign without economy law Parliament but murders and robbery. Gangs also hate economy which needs huge consumers supported by welfare by tax whereas tax is "squeezing" gangs who won't be benefitted from welfare or education or any governance. Please don't be subordinated to BernieSanders.
BernieSanders and WallStreetOccupy(WSO) that I have expressed my thoughts against it.
And now Look what BernieSanders have been supporting and against!: What BernieSanders hates is exactly what terrorists and gangs hate or what exclude gangs/what gangs terrorists exclude such as banks Wall Street economy oil generated cheap stable electricity Welfare or tax system. Look what Senate BernieSanders has been supporting!;canabis marijuana weed "plantation" "industries" meth cocaine and guns and gunship gunshop owners "rights" to sell(or give away) guns heavy arms to ANY to let or urge any gangs and extremists terrorists to kill each other til end of both to let SorosNazis rob oil coal every land and resources/valuables of America.