
Where US gose into...is

Point is not thenumbers but who did it. Fundamentalists kill thouthands and more andmore to make Islamists justifyied as everyone sees in Iraq&Afganistan.Then when US Islamists fundamentalitst have long sought to make every ppl hate US because US is the core of distributing the idea of ''NOT TO KILl''&''LIVE EQUALLY WITH ALL WITH CARING EACH OTHER" that is universally supporting every life&the earth that I and everyone have respected&appreciated,
which nonetheless has been against biking gangs have been telling
all thorough 18Centuries 'to kill all to live everyone including everyono staniding for anti-norm 'biking gang', as you see in Egypt muslimbrotherhood killed own 'members' a lot when Egypt military patrolling near around or Egypt military protects muslimbrotherhood's ''freedom'' to sit-in at Mosque..
Biking gang has been failing because biking gangs of 'to kill to live' is 
AGAINST economy that is simple but crucial advancement of human/every spiecies prosperous of the earth.
But someone started helping biking gangs revived on this earth to kill all the livings including every small animal/insects/plants or moss on this earth.
It seems to me that, as if? or in reality, someone in the cosmos or on the earth hates to see the earth&the whole solar system itself desinged as eternal prosperous&self-sustained cohabitat.

Then, it sarts call the earth , aasss?!
Somenoe envy the earth and the whole solar system of cohabitat with love&caring each other all together?!

So there is no reason sticked to or is no space for biking gangs fundamentalised into killings&robbings in 21 st century.

Plus, US has huge minerals & oils exactly what it seeks to rob.

Now go to Syria?! 
Remember, where Assad/Syria is/was/has been exactly in the position of US in which
Al-Qaeda/Islamists have hated so long and finally dragged into the field of their own - the biking gang where "oppositions" are waiting for all Westerners coming around to kill more and more "oppositions" in the number of deaths of trillion or more to justify fundamentalism to kill westerners&any police&military unless westeners/asians/islam or any are sticking to the idea or ideal to stop violence. 
A war against terrorism was hard to win but a war against enemy of terrorism is also hard to win
because the reason of fundamentalists such as Islamists Al-Qaeda is not to win but to kill more.
Then no win but lose in more killings&deaths in both sides as you see in Libya&Egypt.
The reason of Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood or any fundamentalis are based on is a simple logic of biking gangs to kill more and more no matter whom fundamentalists are to kill-'own' side or not- to justify its killing, which is simply opposite to any norms to let lives live or not to kill.

Only can internatinal society do is to stop sending arms/money to ''opposition'' biking gangs
whereas supporting/protecting refuggies from fundamentalists gangs/organizations/violence.
Also deleting chemical weapons from everywhere including ''opposition''s controling air bases/bases/arsenals, now a lot!, and in collaboration with Assad/Syria military & UN.
No 'democracy' from gang violence of 'civilians' led by fundamentalist gangs Al-Qaeda.
Syria has had own parliament&election system which could have been moderately amended under normal nonviolent cicumctances under President Assad who promised to have new election in 7 years. And I strongly believe that President Assad or any parliament member do not need to allow fundamentalist party/candidate to run for the new election for MPs/Presidency at all simply because Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood or any fundamentalist organizations are not to be binded by any law&order or even norm not to kill.

Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood/Toitsukyokai/Natiz or any other fundamentalist biking gang orgnizations are only abided by a logic to justify annoyance/killings&robberies opposing to support&sustain/develop peoples' public welfare/earnings&quality of life etc.

Plus, Iraq is a different from the hell of Syria.
Iraq is/was rather an 'independent'' gang world relatively far from Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood of fundamentalism although the basic concept is/was the same of biking gang logic to kill even 'own-side' people more to kill more to justify more killing/robbing/damaging to kill&robbing more-biking gangs esp. designed to rob, via Sadam Hussein, the neighbouring areas' oil.

Syria is a sort of bate to drag the whole world the whole Westeners/Asians or any that are against biking gangs to kill to live.
Plus, more or less, like the situation where finally US and all allies found themselves,
no many would not care about own deaths if the deaths are from Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood or any fundamentalism organizations to justify their fundamentalism no matter how such fundamentalist cry, fundamentalists are happy to die for
Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood in justifying themselves to put on damage/reputatson of
Assad/Syria gov't or Egypt military&police that protect freedom,human rights&properties.
I would not deny certain existance of countless numerous Syrians who have been opposing to Al-Qaeda&Muslimbrotherhood/fundamentalism/Islamists but have been obeying to Al-Qaeda fundamentalism/Islamists violent manipulations. 
But bombing Assad regime would not help them rather it could worsen the fundamentalist situation where only are substantial biking gangs who denies
human rights/women rights/freedom or any property rights around to ''support'' for them.
Or if US stands up to free such brainwashed fundamentalists from Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood, military action would not be a means the least successful to be.

If we ignore? Still biking gangs would intrude but what we can do is to stop private heavy hi-tech arms flooding into ''civilian'' ''fighters'' to bring back norms to stop violence to let people stop thinking  killing of parliament/president/police.
Violence does not mean any change or democracy at all.