- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
it is Japanese and JAPAN to apologize to all the victims from the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima Nagasaki..
it is Japan to apologize to the victims of the Nuclear bombs... who had invaded the Asian countries pretending as if they were protectors of Asia ... who had never stopped invasion and vandalism started from the non-sense and unthinkable unimaginable sad desperate without any possible reasoning, the mass killings by the air attacks against the peaceful Hawaiians and the peaceful people including peaceful all the Chinese, Europeans and even Japanese who had worked for non-arm industry private company workers who all had been living in the Asian region. Even, the issue as to whether it was the cause of the self-defense of the people who lived in the Asian region is sometimes in doubt but, it was difficult to tell, i would say, if there were no such attack by the allies, how many Japanese could have been survived at that time when Japanese army killed own people as normal "mission" by using self-ignite bombs, brutal violent "army training" to make Japanese people to hate any foreigners to the extent to make them believe as if brutal violence and killings were "right things to do" as "Japanese" and yakuzas were at that time trainers of brutality and killings ... I would say, it is very sensitive issue or say difficult to clearly define it as inhumane for many Japanese and all the people who had been suffered from the craziness of brutality in Japanese arm industry lead armed conflicts at that time although nuclear bombs are objectively inhumane arms to be abandoned and its development should be maintained things to be banned eternally in Japan. I would say, the bomb killed many but at the same time helped out many Japanese from the hell of brutal craziness in excess of investment on armed industries which should be strictly regulated in Japan even now. Excessive investment into Armed industries definitely and inevitably requires conflict and mass killing because otherwise no reason to keep produce and to gain any revenue from the industry which is wired structure of "industry" which, in the first place, should have not been categorized and recognized as "industry" which had destroied all the European beauties and the Asian beauties at the second world war and which inevitably dragged the allies and the people of United States and England, France, Russia and China and all the victims and the people in the Asian region and Japan to the hell of the dreadful weary bottom of violence which result nothing but battle in violence. And the allies merely, inevitably, had won the sad severe battle with so many deaths and sad victims in the unrelated but necessary policing to help out all the victims in the hell of violence in Europe and Asia including us Japanese who also suffered from the hell of violence by the same Japanese army. The US and the allies had to win over the evilness in Germany, Italy and Japan that the arm industry money gulped all made. And the allies won for the freedom of the people captured by the hell. And I would say, what I and all the Japanese need to declare today is not any hatefulness towards such almost inevitable ways of protection of the lives and freedom of the people all over the world including ourselves, but the ways to ban on making developing exporting arms and set strict restriction not only on developing arm industries but also on investment on arm industries and materials to make arms in Japan and the world. AND AS YOU ALREADY UNDERSTAND, HOW MUCH IMPORTANT TO ABANDON/CLOSE AND/OR STOP DEVELOPING/BUILDING USED NUCLEAR FUEL RECYCLING PLANTS BY PROCEEDING POLICIES OR BY MAKING ANTI-NUCLEAR POWER USE AND REUSE, ANTI-MAKING PURE PLUTONIUM LAWS.
冨田麻里MariTomita=7thclouds(7thclouds Official Site) ©冨田麻里MariTomita. All rights reserved

strict restriction on arm industries and investment into arm industries and materials used for arms