Now, ows shows its real color. ows is now much more clearly simply far right mob crime composed of far discriminative AGAINST liberal, pro-gay rights, pro-social policy, pro-tax hike on the riches (such as Jewish or new comer the richest proposing raise of tax ratio to the richest layer) pro-obama medicare policy which includes all as possible as the govt. can.
i would say, during all the one month, what ows did was simply try and error to justify and penentrate far right nasty "approaches" to raise hate with envy or irrationality against anyone who should not be targeted or condemned, and to damage the economy until the end of president election campaign.
And now, the "christian" leaders come along with the "powerless" people.
Point is, to raise the sense of faith in religion to justify their hate and discrimination against the richest who are mainly the people in faith not in christianism, but, rather, many diverse ones.
Or another point is to convergent all the religious faith into tea-party (ows) fundamentalism and simply far right discriminative, irrational and unreasoned hate and envy against minorities such as gay rights or people in need public/private supports as a gate way to "foster" more hate and envy against others, which is a simple but nasty "tactics" developed by neo-natiz which even penentrates into Israel far rights.
But ows is every day "developing" to try to include more by changing the gauge to divide, hate and conflict each other by irrational and ungrounded leads called now "spiritual" - oh, no. it could be men vs women, it could be rich vs poor, it could be anything but point is to manipulate each other to damage and destroy the economy, the people, the budget and the countries, which is unacceptable for anyone.
Ows is intentionally making the purpose vague because one of the motif of the ows disturbance is to pick up and collect more people into tea - party annoyance before the president campaign. tea - party lost its driving power because it simply is far-right violent racism and it was apparent now to many of the society. then, now the main party of ows is, as you know now, simply, tea-party who are middle middle class, independent self-employment people or small shop owners but ows is trying to re-organize it by manipulating and lure the youth people of unemployed and being on the verge of living belonging to many diverse religions and races in order to cover it up from far-right racism violent and ignorant selfishness tea-party "movement" by urging and broadening, or say, "including" (oh no) any race, any religion, any political status focusing on the people who are feeling as if s/he were left behind from the obama administration . i would say, "please be patient to the time effects from obama's policies will reach to you". ows is nothing more than simple far far right hardliner racism mob crime which damage the healthy economy and constructive law making in the disguise of "faith" or "caring" by exploiting any peaceful and constructive ideas to such a nasty discriminative "act of ill" harming others and economy in static "peaceful" means. ows is just another far-right terrorism but in the disguise of "peaceful", "spiritual" "caring" "love" "political" all the means that are imitating what the left or liberal wings have been in their real movements, grrrrrrrrruuuuruuuu!!!
you know, trying to, pathetically, stop the popular and quite highly capable president obama's win, far far right racism violent gop tea-party is doing anything even terrorism in disguising such mimmic-left-wingish "inclusive" ness "movement" to hate anything supportive obama administration, by physically attacking african american, by manipulating african american conflict with jewish rich liberal who are supportive to african american, manipulating asians conclict with jewish rich or african american by dividing them by the amount of annual income or so, not by religion or race...etc.
the desperate is the far far right physically violent gop-tea party's lies and demagogy, manipulation to lure people to hate each other to destroy the economy, budget, and ecological social policy that are sustaining all the people for better and stable that leads to the future of them and the nation.
Please see through the pathetic mimic/gimik of ows which are imitating all from the left-wing/liberal real demonstration/freedom of speech/fight for freedom/ reaching to and materializing social equality by social / legal policies in the process of democracy in the congress.
physical annoyance, either violent riots nor static occupation, will not work at all but for destroy of your future, your nation, your economy and your democracy by your votes, your political opinions, your political proposals that are to be convergence in the process of making laws in the congress. Commit to the JOB ACT and making laws in the congress in the process of democracy by proposing your political opinions that are political expression that are what democracy expected as primal means for normal state, in the first place although yes, demonstration permitted time span or political meetings are also political expressions only if they are having real genuine political opinions to seek, otherwise, just "meeting" raising hate and envy or irrational and unreasoned angers at anyone who are not supposed to be blamed, which is simply disguised political hate and discriminative anger mob.
And if such people continue occupying any areas of the nation except certain places of highly private areas with their permissions, which probably should be deemed as simply terrorism attaking the national economy and interests of all.
And as anyone all know, ows has been occupying public areas or private areas without any permissions and rather with rejection from the private areas' owners. Public places are not the places where public authority permit anyone's exclusive usage.
In any means, ows should not be allowed continued any more, which is simply new form of terrorism of damaging the economy and the interests of local and national people.
I would say, real religious leaders should leave from such act of terrorism because ows or such are not political expressions but raising mob crime to urge or manipulate hate and anger with manipulated demagogy. ows is not designed for the people but someone - far far right gop tea-party or simply neo-natiz - who plans to make all hate each other to destroy any country, which is opposite to the faith of any religion, i truly believe.
- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
ows disguises "religion" "inclusive" rather simply disturbance aiming at manipulating ppl to hate each other to destroy the nation or earth..which is not acceptable for anyone.
冨田麻里MariTomita=7thclouds(7thclouds Official Site) ©冨田麻里MariTomita. All rights reserved