ows is tea party gimmick but it seems to some, still, a big complicated?
But point is, president Obama and the people of the United States of America needs to bring the people of ows and tea party back to them for themselves and the nation, which is the most crucial point to tell here-
coz many of the people in ows and tea party - not all though - are supposed to be fighting for the real movement to let the job act pass the congress by partisan.
ows is a gimmick by tea party but it does not seem to be obvious to some or many although it is too much obvious.
but it is ok, now it is at least getting some public consensus.
but thing is ... that is not enough to bring the people manipulated or thrown into the maze of confusion of "liberalism"ish "protest"ish movements back to the real movement to pass the job act walking with president obama for 2012 for the people, including themselves, and the nation, the United States of America.
ows employs fundamentalism and cultural "revolution" to hamper job act which actually circulates money via taxation from the 1% and that is the possible best to make equality in the world in balance for everyone.
ows actually tea party is because 1 ows hates taxation that is very much long tried and successful fair system to sustain equality between rich and poor simply because ows are the people who urged to be so much greed or say egoistic to request government not to use their tax to others but themselves. ows is actually quite highly inconsistent with their saying or say what ows protests at because job act is to work for the people of 99% on the grounds of tax hike on the richest and the richest are opening expressing that they are highly willing to pay more tax by raising the tax rates BEFORE the ows. ows is rather hampering the move from the richest to take up the bill for the job act and the job act itself to raise the numbers of the people to be exited from unemployment or to sustain their live and consumption in daily life until the time they find their jobs by the effects from the american job act. so everything what ows has been "Protesting" is opposing to what ows is standing for or seeking, as if, on the surface, to achieve. Actually, IT IS WALL STREET THAT had started EXPRESSing THEIR WILLINGNESS TO PAY TAX MORE FOR minimizing inequality BETWEEN RICH AND POOR LONG BEFORE ows started.
Say, ows is dirty sneaky and fraudulent in terms of its similarity which has taken up the idea from wall street and pre obama to hike tax rate on the richest and urge the private sectors to hire more to make more jobs for the people that would sustain the us economy at the end of the day ...and that definitely leads the better economy balance due to the better economic circulation serving for more tax to pay off the budget for the job act. say, good circulation should start here from job act.
and suddenly, ows started strange and irrational "movement" which actually damages the real movement from wall street and
pre obama job act.
simply saying, ows is blocking out exactly the means of solving the problem what tea party (ows) "Protest" from the opposite sides coz tea party (ows) seek to avoid such solution, any types of taxation for others but themselves. then, what happened?
part of the job act finds difficulties to be pass the congress now, which, as ows had intended in the first place,
broaden the gap between rich and poor as exactly tea party (ows) wished
the ows people, why dont you call yourself greed and selfish .... yes, ows people led by tea party are greed to the extent which crashes the taxation system to circulate to and balance the richness with the powerless unemployed people, with the mildest and fairest way called taxation. but tea party (ows) people do not care. coz the reason of the ows is simply crashing the job act which "takes up" "ur money" in the name of tax at least in your context and in your mind, which is not true though.
what ows hates to see is that every 1 penny is to be used for others but themselves.
Hey, hey, hey, such saying is having similarity with something expressed by the very very very rich and selfish people who do not need to be done anything by the national governments, and that is why, who do not want to pay even 1 penny to the government.
ows is sad and evil which kills only the small hope of the people who are seriously needing jobs and the CEOs of small but good firms who are willing to hire more but no remains left in budget to do so.
The saddest part is ... the selfishness among the tea party people who do not know that their small "rich"es damage their works by their "movement" "activity" of greed, which only functions for the very rich who do not need to any support from the government at all.,
i mean that rich people.,,,,
but not for the tea party people
the self-employed small business people who actually definitely need the consumption power of the jobless people or lowly paid people who many are supported by the government budget.
what tea party people should realize is that the budget mainly based on the taxation from you is actually functioning for you as the imperative money circulation for you tea party people to sustain your everyday life.
dont you realize?
but sadly, tea party disguising cultural "revolution"for tea party fundamentalism to crash all the taxation for them on the ground of their fundamentalism - the tax is not going to his/her pocket (not today but in a couple of years in your pocket, sir, madam) and "protesting" against job act which needs their tax money, and against wall street willing to pay more tax because wall street were "swallowing" the bail out that were/are actually definitely needed for the nation and the people including tea party people, at the time to help the economy.
but again, tea party people are angry at wall street not because they take up the bill for the job act (which cannot be seen by tea party people due to fundamentalism) but because of the bail out budget even that is rational and imperative even not only for the economy but for themselves.
i am really concerned fundamentalism which damages brains and rationality no matter how s/he belongs to any nation/any economic system.
someone seems to kill this world not by the arms now, but in the long run, by the fundamentalism which kills brain normal rational function... along with cocaine, heroin or cannabbis?
oh no. youth, don't kill your rationality and normal function of brain.
if you lost your normal function of brain, then, there is no exit from the hell.... of violence without limit from brain function to protect yourself from others' violence.
the worst enemy of human is fundamentalism and poison such as cannabis/cocaine/heroin etc... which all kills the normal function of your brain that works to protect you and others equally from violence, or annoyance and any other irrational damages..
we need to fight against fundamentalism in active/static(occupy) mob crimes which intends to damage the function of the town and economy which in reality harms job act and the supportive move in tax hike on the richest with the willingness and big supports from the richest including wall street.
president obama and the people of the US need to act together to fight against the harassment from ows which is disguising the poor powerless actually are powerless but selfish who seeks to crash tax hike on rich/richest... for the actual unemployed... despite the fact that the tax money going into promotion of employment definitely circulate to your pockets in the numbers of the revenue.
the budget goes into the people in need is not going to be dumped, no. the budget used for the people in need is circulated to the money to buy the goods and the numbers in the revenue of your shop, your company or your small firms. hey, wake up and realize. please. and stand up for yourself with the unemployed people with pre obama govt to pass the job act for yourself!
tea party people killing the hope for themselves by their hands.. which is so sad...
please do not lost in such manipulation
i think tea party people are definitely the people act together with the people who need to pass the american job act with president obama... truly believe so.
wake up from such manipulation of self-killing and go back to president obama who is able to help all of you out from the difficult situation of the united states of america if he can get your support only if you walk with him.
if you walk with him then the united states of american would not stop the greatest history of winning out the success for all the people....
- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
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