
Lock down is not recommended by WHO coz it may mean ultimate to a city to be isolated from other cities of far lower mortality. Lock down should not be recommended coz lock down ultimately means cut/dump out a city from other cities in the nation. Then, lock down can be allowed to be declared only when lock down is ultimately definitely necessary to protect / priorise other cities than the city of lock down

Lock down is not recommended by WHO coz it may mean ultimate to a city to be isolated from other cities of far lower mortality. Lock down should not be recommended coz lock down ultimately means cut/dump out a city from other cities in the nation. Then, lock down can be allowed to be declared only when lock down is ultimately definitely necessary to protect / prioritize other cities than the city of lock down then only when any other alternatives are gone and after all possible moderate thoughtful measures are failed and there is no immediate policy but total unthoughtful restrictions on every day life as knowing well about apparent horrendous unthinkable damages inevitably on people’s’ everyday life, jobs, huge amounts of payments of them, economy, national budget and businesses. 
Then mayors, PMs and presidents are required to evaluate seriously all other possible measures to take and indispensable reasons of its necessity and serious and longer consequences if s/he decides lock down and if they decide to do lock down, mayors, PMs and presidents are required still to delicately analyze and decide the scope and the scale of order of lock down/stay at home they are to order. 
Lockdown/stayathome banning usage of public transportation, shutting all supermarket / big grossly shops and big restaurants and fast foods offering relatively cheap or modest dishes to the extent which inevitably force ppl to do hauling for months duecto the uncertain exits and to confine ppl into smaller flats to force family members’ inevitably stick to each other to get close each face from each other to the point where risk of transmission of virus(19Covid)from  each other of family members. And reality is that normally 2/3 of households of NY or Britain are living in such risk as living in/confined by smaller flats that are much less spacious compared with big offices and big shops/restaurants where ppl can keep distance of 2 meter from each, otherwise. I am opposing to illogical, ineffective and irrational lockdown of such implemented in NYC and Britain, except California where most of ppl, rich or poor, living in spacious houses, not because of draconian, but because of its ineffectiveness as lockdown in Italy has proven. Plus, most of all lock down ignoring the substantial situations and differences lock down forces ppl to be bearing and threatened, had seemingly hidden intention to expand differences between ppl living in houses or some size of flats and small very flats. 
You see, if parents, their parents and their children are living in one bed room flat, actually there are many such families in Britain. There are 6 people in a small flats and in the first place this is the biggest reason why Italians’ grandfathers grandmothers ants uncles died quickly just after Italian gov / local gov started lock down moths ago coz young children and parents brought virus to the vulnerable elderly in their families and Italian government had confined them into such a small flat, normal to Italian ordinal working class families to force them transmit each other. Then the number of deaths have been ticketing to 1000 a day. Plus, not many fathers and mothers can work from home and they are facing life threatening risk in losing their jobs because almost all cases of such family living in a flat of one bed room and one small kitchen/dining with their parents and children, coz normally they are gone to work and their children are gone to school then their father and mother are two of them alone in such flat which is seemed to be ok for them normally. But now under the threats from lock down, father and mother usually using public transportation to go to work cannot go to work anymore whereas if they can go to work by walk/ bicycle, they are facing up with threats from lock down coz they as such work from flat if such are in almost all cases, working at supper-market as workers for cashiers, selling glossaries or cleaning floors in small or big super markets in Britain then they may be in serious fear of being kicked off from employers because of irrational lock down and that expands threats of spreading novel coronavirus targeting only at hardworking for low wage as relatively low-skilled but indispensable workers for everyone when gov is normally working for all. Gov won’t pay anything any money to such ppl but workers who commute to big companies and big shops as workers guaranteed their ordinal payments under contracts. Lock down, greens, is designed to automatically eliminate and kill under class workers’ elderly parents and that is happening in Italy although Russia starts helping and changing the unthinkable situations Italy collectively killing elderly ppl of each family of living in small flat no where to escape from family packed. Lock down in NYC / US/Britain. should be ended as soon as possible otherwise, 
lock down definitely kill elderly or families living in a small flats with their sons/daughters/ground children as lock down designed to let relatively high salary or non working households with certain size of spacious houses/apartment bigger than office rooms of big companies or restaurants/fast food restaurants and with certain money to use or buy expensive catering or having huge stock shelves to keep foods for months and they are perfectly alright without working at the end of the day. Then they don’t care much about lock down. Nevertheless, certain middle class ppl can not think about real design of irrational ineffective illogical and unnecessary of lock down which is simply harming ppls’ lives if they belong to working class of middle upper or upper middle but hyper rich of non working class with huge money and 10 bed room with 2 million pounds annual income only with bit coins as such. They don’t care commuters public transportation and they normally work from home only via internet and living in huge home bigger than “small” office rooms of big companies. They do have stock rooms for food for years. They own huge gardens in their penthouses of luxury apartments. NYC hyoervrich do love lock down and some of them love to see ppl living in small flats, especially elderly ppl of 6-8 family members living in a small one bed room flat are dying due to lock down designed to PROTECT hyper rich ppl from ordinal ppl by separating people rich from middle class/lower lower people while disgusting as if gov would support and give certain money to middle class working class dedd aspire the fact that such give away from gov would not continue more than three months then after that, huge number of middle class and middle upper classes are kicked out from office works and jobs after LockDown “successfully” ,as it intended, eliminates consumers of lower lower or middle working class who is designed to be kicked out from work due to decreased number of consumers of lower working class/middle.class and middle or upper middle working class are losing their position / job as consumers to upper/upper middle class and lower upper class as greens had intended to devastate economy based on currency to the world only violence, but money or skill or talents, reigns by gangs which hate and tries to crash the world of currency / economy/ consumption / social welfare/ governance guarantee equivalent value between products and services to sell and currency. 

Although California ppl are normally living in spacious houses or apartments, hyper rich or poor, partly because the land of California is far huge than NYC then expansion of differences of real threats to lives may have been minimized. 

Also, Wuhan’s lockdown/stayathome is utterly different from NYC”lockdown” or Britain’s lockdown because in Wuhan, Chinese gov needed to cut Wuhan whose mortal rate is 2.3-3.8% whereas other cities/regions in China shown very low mortality as 0.2% or lower. Then lockdown/stayathome order implemented in Wuhan 58days ago was intended and designed to isolate a city of Wuhan from other regions whose mortal rate under 0.2% then it needed to urge ppl to work from home in Wuhan such as it was substantially border shut as Osaka city mayor decided to inclement and immediately introduced. In addition to that, in China, in Wuhan, everyone lives in almost same size of public houses whose sizes are taking their number of family members into account then stay at home does not automatically means forcing ppl living in packed and smaller rooms far packed compared with office rooms / big restaurants they are not recommended to go to. Plus, if look into the case of the success of Wuhan lock down/stayathome, everyone can commute to their work if their work is not allowed to work from homes, Wuhan keeps super markets open to avoid unnecessary fears and to avoid hauling. 

As I wrote in the above, as a choice of polices to stop spreading of novel coronavirus infections/transmissions among any groups or ppl, “lock down” or “staying at home” are not perfect choice for every situation but might be effective only when space locked ppl are to live 24 hours are sufficiently bigger than ordinal office rooms or working space and safer to keep distance from each other and ventilations. Payment and jobs are definitely kept by companies/employers for all the people including people whose work wont allow them to work from homes under lock down. Big spacious Super markets and shops for necessary are open to avoid hauling for fears for food. And most of all, only if lock down is effective and necessary to neighboring cities only when a city to be locked down has shown severe mortality rate which is 10 tines more than neighboring cities many commuters are regularly commuting into/out from. In such certain case there is solid necessity to launch and implement lock down to protect neighboring cities from the city having its mortality rate of 10 times, the city is required to declare lock down to isolate the city if lock down and avoid spreading of 19Covid deaths to neighboring cities and regions whereas lock down city itself requires immediately to build infrastructure/hospitals to accommodate patients found by PCR tests and give proper medical treatment for them to exit from 19Covid. Then 1:isolation of a city, as a whole, from other regions/cities, 2: emergent necessity to build hospitals and medical care infrastructures based on huge budget only focusing on the specific area/city to regain its health and safety under lock down, in such case, lock down cutting a city out from other cities’ observation would have function to alleviate frustrations from other cities which also may have patients, even far smaller numbers, take care of under normal medical system. 
As above I wrote, lock down or stay at home implemented in NYC or USA are not deemed to show such critical necessity to be justified or rationalize as ordinal or legitimate strategy to use lock down at all. Therefore, lock down in Britain and NYC are to be finished as possible as they can in considering far negative effects have started dominating beyond the advantages from lock down as the numbers of deaths have been boosted in Italy after lock down as I had concerned. 
Please see the real situation where real people have been confined by lock down and decide to finish lock down as possible as you can, I would like to say.