
Why don’t we ban hunting of wild animals?SARS 19-Covid Ebola from raw bloods of killed wild animals.

Why don’t we ban hunting of wild animals?SARS 19-Covid Ebola from raw bloods of killed wild animals.

(Firstly, in my hypothesis, I presume that #hunting of #wildanimals and hunted/killed wild animals’ raw blood shed 
are original cause of 19nCoronaVirus(19Covid or 19nCovid). I am,however,not saying that ppl who suffered from 19Covid are hunters. What I am saying is bloody #hunting might be hypothetically multiple starting points.)

Why don’t we ban hunting of wild animals?SARS 19-Covid Ebola from raw bloods of killed wild animals.

Bat Killers”in Australia are highly probably “hunters” anyway who regularly kill ANY wild life. 
Things ppl most afraid of... 😔 sigh.
Wild animals of being alive are not threats to human or any animal at all.
Bats are also no threats to any at all. 
Nothing do with bats or else any wild animals themselves at all.
Problem is hunters who shot, hunt, kill and being poured/shed by wild animal  bloods and hunters who eat raw blood&meat of wild animals sometimes even when they are alive(Ebola from hunters who kill specific monkeys in West Africa and eat monkeys’ raw brains and raw bloods when monkeys are still alive. And such hunters=killers=wild animal eaters are not necessarily from the regions where hunters kill and eat wild animals’ blood or body organs rather such hunters are gathered from everywhere on this earth, as you see Trophy Hunters are not from Africa but everywhere, and regularly doing hunting, killing and eating/sipping wild animals’ raw blood& raw meat at the site of killing just after they brutally hunt and kill wild animals), which transmits virus in  blood of wild animals to every who eats wild animals raw meat& blood, I strongly assume. My intention of what I am writing here, however, is not point at people who have been suffering from symptoms of 19-nCorona Virus but at hunters or at hunting / killing of wild animals which highly probably has caused and built several multiple-starting points of spreading/transmission of the virus in every region of every nation then I would like to request every government to make a law or series of laws that ban hunting or whatever the means/ways to kill and make wild animals into bloodshed, with or without rifles/guns, knives or specific arms. Ban on eating/trading of killed wild animals and of(raw)bloods/(raw)body organs of killed wild animals or of wild animals alive is not enough to prevent transmissions/infections/spreading of 19-nCoronaVirus(19Covid)in any regions of every nation. 

Ban on hunting,including trophy hunting, especially hunting and killing of wild animals to eat/sip hunted wild animals’  blood&meat is immediately required.

Fact is, at the moment, the cause in China was not originally from the 華南海鮮市場market in Wuhan. At this moment, it is still unclear what is the starting point of 19-nCoronaVirus transmission in each nation. If it were only from ppl from Wuhan or China, regions which have been exposed to spreading of the virus should have been utterly different from the contaminated region map. Let me see the 10 most popular places Chinese ppl had traveled in 2019. China Daily reported”Top 10 destinations for Chinese tourists” from 
chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2019-02-27 06:40(URL: https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201902/27/WS5c75c041a3106c65c34eb8ce_11.html)
No.1 is Thailand, and accordingly as follows: No2. Japan, Hong Kong, Bali (no single case of 19CorinaVirus in Bali as of March 11,2020) Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Taipei, Cambodia and The Philippines.I also found another source, according to the article from Traveller, “The top 10 destinations for Chinese tourists: HongKong, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Singapore , USA and Italy.”(URL: https://www.traveller.com.au/top-countries-for-chinese-tourists-the-impact-of-chinas-tourism-on-the-globe-h0zuga)

It seems to me that 19-nCoronavirus causation has been very much difficult if ppl are sticking to Wuhan China all the time because actually there have been much broader wild animal markets in China where no single 19-nCoronaVirus transmission/infection has been confirmed/reported.
I assume and hypocritically analyze the cause of 19-nCoronaVirus not sticking to single region or nation rather to its fundamental scientific transmission vehicles which is off course bloods of wild animals. At least, the Chinese national government medical research agencies, along with US&WHO researchers, have researched and concluded that it is definitely not from bats bloods according to the matching of DNA but rather of Pangolins’ DNA in Pangolins’  bloods and meat.Some might say”humans won’t eat/sip blood of bats”? Oh really?
Ok, you are not/won’t eat/sip  blood& meat of pangolins/ bats. But it is impossible to transmit and infect humans via wild animals when they are alive. 
As SARS was also caused by the bloods of wild animals in the market. 
So when bats are alive, pangolins are alive, and moving and flying around, bats won’t / pangolins won’t transmit anything to humans or any animals.
Nevertheless, it cannot be emphasized more that only killed pangolins blood shed/ blood&meat(and pangolins blood mixed with killed bats’  blood shed(half )/blood&meat)might transmit virus to humans. 
Therefore, I build my own very personal hypothesis as follows: every area of wild animal hunting to eat/sip killed wild animal blood&meat can be deeply related to the cause and origin of world multiple-starting points of 19-nCoronaVirus transmission/infection. 

This is my highly hypothetical analysis.
For example, if are deep mountain sides of east side of China, North Italy, Iran, South Korea, France, Spain, Germany, US California state and New York State of US, and Japan its deep mountain sides of Hokkaido and Oosaka of Japan etc...all having one single same future?
If all those mountain areas might be in the regions and surrounded by deep mountains which have unfortunately been appealing to and inviting certain high dense population of world hunters who regularly kill and poured by wild animals’ blood when they shot wild animals or/and eat/sip)  bloods/meat wild animal they hunt? 
It seems to be apparent and clear to anybody that the cause of 
19-nCoronaVirus can be of multiple-start all over the world. For example, if it had been from China, it should have had been US SanFrancisco where 19-nCoronaVorus contamination could have been quickly spreading around. Fact is utterly opposite. It is actually NY state which has been closing its state gate to prevent 19Covid from further spreading. NY state is place of having deep mountain areas where hunters are very much fond of. California is also having deep mountain areas appealing to hunters as Hokkaido of Japan is.

Considering the potential cause of 19Covid, if there is situation where hunters can not stop killing and hunting, and if wild animals’ blood sheds are normally poured or dropped on hunters’ faces,bodies or foots, from my personal opinion and hypothesis on this matter, it might be very much concerned is that hunters’ exposure to bloods of wild animals which may possibly become big threats not only to hunters’ health but also to communities normally hunters go around. Australia gov or any govts must give warning to hunters in the world not to go hunting or at least to be very much careful about bloods shed/poured by wild animals hunters killed. Hunters must stop/avoid hunting/killing or at least must avoid eat/sip  raw blood/raw meat of wild animals hunters killed.