- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
What if it happens to your nation?!UN must stop the violence of the foreign-financed 'anti-govt'gangs/invasion first
About BBCNews: #Syria bbc.in/NMqsUb
UN must stop 'anti-govt' gang violence in collab Assad/Syrian Govt with UN then Assad's plan2beimplimented.
What'd u expect from UN if 'anti-govt' gangs won't stop killing saying lack of 'fairness' in election?!
&what ifNGOs4'fair election' keep sending arms2'anti-govt' armed gangs killing UKofficialGovt/Military/ppl?!
UK govt must do something to stop the 'Londonbased NGOs' arm-sending2'anti-govt' gangs killingSyrianGovt,Military&Ppl NOW!
It could happen to any countries, at any occasion only when foreign 'dewocratic political motifed NGOs including a fundamentavistic 'political NGOs always cannot fail to trigger armed conflicts via forein-based arm sendings and violent 'civil' 'rebel's violent 'revolution'-based approaches in which, actually, UN must recognize and bush off as certainly surely planned Coup d'Etat or rather an armed invasion quasi-'civil'organized, on the surface,and heavily armed.
Such armed invasion supported by foreign arm&money transportation should be firstly handled by the official government&UN aiming at stopping their violence to bring back the official govt's control over the country to save the sec-rity&safety of the people.
That is the first thing the member countries of the seccrity council, I and anyone would assume.
Otherwise, anyoneelse can help such nation from such national critical moment being attacked by 'civil'-quasi-revolution-like heavily armed ganging invasion trrigered/supported by certain foreign NGOs claiming of 'helping the ppl' despite the fact that non of their business at all in the first place!
UN must help the official Syrian government&people from foreing crazy gangs who intentionally ignores certain foreignpolicy rule to respect each national soverenty&independence of governance, and the rule of the neccesity of lack of alternatives before any international organization, such as UN,start using physical means to help the ppl. Syria is not the case of any. NGOs supporting armed 'rebels' in Syria,any of them, is not recognized such international orhanization or not supported by any UN resolutions to send arms or money.
UN must remember the rules of how to intervine the violence between govt and armed anti-govnt'oppositions'. UN must act together to stop their violence, to stop the NGOs sending arms to the 'anti-govt' armed gangs,and bring back the law&order first