- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
Finally, a war crime, brutal tortures&shootings by 'rebels', was condemned by humanitalian organizations.
UN has started taking it serious in terms of brutal war crime by rebels.
"NGOs" must stop sending arms including tanks.
International society must stop setting sanctions on Assad property, which prolongs the killings and war crimes by rebel gangs.
It is Assad resime that has legitimacy and authority of controlling the nation Syria no matter how it is not created by election. If there is war crime found in the Assad side, it must be accused along with war crime found in the rebels after president Assad resume regains the control over the country.
There must be something wrong in the point of view on this issue among major international consensus as seeing President Assad is someone just because there were huge casualties during Assad military entered certain area where "rebels" were said to be gathered. Nevertheless,no single proof was made to crystallise as to whether Assad military does have nothing with the death, whether someone else killed many just when Assad military shelled the area.Any national security may shell certain gang area and why not Assad military? Why only president Assad government is to be condemned during it's national security despite the fact that many provided certain observation of killings of many civilians by Al-Qaeda and heavily armed inner conflicts and killings by "civil"anti-government fighters, and the fact that Assad military denied they did not commit any of brutal mass killings of civilians.
I then would like raise an issue here by asking a simple but a matter of life and death question - is there any legitimacy of the sanctions set by international society without UN resolution which freezes Syrian government's and President Assad's bank deposits and properties in foreign nations, especially when 'NGOs' of those nations freeze Assad's bank deposits have kept sending arms including tanks!! and huge money in the way of gang money londering?!
What is the point 'international society has let 'rebel'-gangs linking with Al-Qaeda kill the official nation Syria despite the fact the Syria nor President Assad have commit any humanitalian crime but those accused by 'rebels' in certian confusing situation due to the 'civil anti-government'riots.
At the same time, UN must control Assad military not to use violence expect to save own&civilians livs&properties.If it uses certain level of phsical violence it should be minimum as possible as it can be. But firstly, armed violence should be avoided.
President Assad need to talk again with international society to remind them as to the situation in which Assad has been stuck into is the one which any of them may be fallen soon. And remind them to rethink as to the side in which the international society is to stand for.And how they can support President Assad to protect the nation Syria from 'rebel'gangs-the inner city cleasing in the name of 'anti-government'.
The following is the latest news from BBC News telling about the video taking the scene of war crime comitted by anti-government gangs.
*Another my post about Assad Syria&'rebels' in this blog
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