*The news of fun killing is from "Independent":
- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
Response to news of fun killings of Lion...Lions also have rights to live in peace not to be killed by anyone. Human is exclusively irrational and ignorant animal species tending to seek "conquer" others in violence but inevitable emergent reason for eating for life
Any animals don't exist to be killed. Lion has had his joyful life more only if he sought to feel of conquer in violence in which ANY one can taste only if s/he lost in feeling of perception of pain in lost of life which is not only unnecessary but also permitted on the bottom line as life on the earth. No life exists to be killed especially not to be killed for fun killings. Lions also have rights to live in peace not to be killed by anyone. Human is exclusively irrational and ignorant animal species tending to seek "joy" in killings or "conquer" others in violence but inevitable indispensable emergent reason for eating for life whilst "conquer" by "killing" others in violence does NOT mean any honorable excellency or anything proud of. Look the face of lion which is rather telling more about real conquer in avoiding unnecessary killings as a King of animal and dying in trying in protecting Lion's freedom from such a stupid shallow exposure of unnecessary sheer violence of stalker following King lion.
冨田麻里MariTomita=7thclouds(7thclouds Official Site) ©冨田麻里MariTomita. All rights reserved

場所:Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Japan
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