
Stop arm sending to ISIS FSA AlQaeda Muslimbritherhood Hamas Maiden in the name of "war against Russia" because the reason is quasi because the reason is simply convenient for gang supremacy including Palestine gang supremacy Nazis in disguise of "govt" occupied by muslimbrotherhood Hamas despite deadly fought off Fatah, led by Abbas, against AlQaeda Hamas within Palestine

Palestine "govt's" of terrorism should be blamed.
The reason of why Palestinians cannot stop voting and choosing Hamas Muslimbritherhood Viking gang violence supremacy is also actually an issue.
I would propose that the world must be in line with a war against gang violence supremacy neonazis in any regions especially in the Middle East due to its concentration of energy resources whereas the UN along with Arab league Arab Union and most of all the NATO and the U.S. Which have been somehow too much prioritizing or focusing on anti-Russia anti-China ideology led political decisions. The world must fight against the violence supremacy such as in Qatar's heavy dependency on arm industry or such as SaudiArabia's difficulties similar to Syria whereas certain Neonazis violence gang supremacy and Nazis white Viking gang violence supremacy have sought to rob SaudiArabia Royals, as if they were Gadaffi against Nazis. Nazis/Neonazis have started inciting ppl in Saudi especially immigrant of Sunni gangs, not ordinal Sunnis, of unskilled with less intention to learn but seeking to obtain official civil status for benefits while circulating wealthy Europe, Arab, Jewish regions etc.
Problem is more exactly saying, certain incitement, money, heavy arms and training not only from white Viking gang violence supremacy Nazis against Jewish Muslim Asians Christians or any but also some leads in NATO US who have strongly supported in training budgeting arm free offers for AlQaeda ISIS FSA Muslimbrotherhood as neonazis "war against Communism" nowadays "war against Russia/China" under certain threats by Nazis in Switzerland or US/Europe? only for securing what actually white Viking gang violence robbery supremacy needs to rob: cocaine in Afganistan. Oil in Libya(which has gone to Fascist Party Nazis led Oil companies anyway just immediately after the strongest Gaddafi was killed in the name of "equalization" "revolution" "royals Islam tribe supremacy Pyrenees origin against the west" or bla bla whatever..one single drop of oil has gone to Nazis and now every time Libya govto or royals mumbles about oil rights supposed to belong to Libya, many were killed in "Muslim terrorism("against communism", "against capitalism", "against the west", "against Shia or against Shite" or whatever, you know) .
Natural gas in TelAviv, Oil in Syria, Tungsten in Ukraine. 
It is not an issue of race or religion but a white Viking violence robbery supremacy which had killed and eaten most of the Northern European ordinal non Viking gang ppl has started robbery and massacre against every region every race  in its manipulation exploiting and inciting ppl especially unskilled no-jobexperience immigrant gangs into justification of tribe centered religious violence terrorism violence in the name of "materializations of equalization(revenge)" in making others into devastations as such less proper job skill and less industrial immigrants are.

In this sense, president obama's recent proposal of free two year community college bill is a measures to prevent the situation. I though hope that such free collage should be well designed to let students become well skilled with manner of democracy of rationally thoughtful decision making. 
Also I would like to briefly touch opinions that condemn excessive political correctness to blur the circumstances or fact that Muslim more exactly saying Sunni immigrant gangs, not ordinal Sunni immigrants, in every region have launched a series of massacre. Yes. I understand that stance. And I would say like this: if I were Muslim origin, I would do very best to prevent or vigorously tackle sources of Sunni immigrant gangs.
But at the same time, I would say: I know the Arab League the Arab Union had stopped donation to AlQaeda ISIS Hamas Muslimbrotherhood FSA and now  Arab nations and nation whose economy dependent on oil/natural gas have been bullied by Nazis of slashing the price of oil  which inevitably cause certain complaints from not only immigrants but also ordinal ppl and loyals of royals.
I think that it is true that excessive intentional distortion of the cause is wrong but what I rather think is that the U.S. NATO/Qatar EU should stop sending arms and training to civilians trained to become Muslim gangs and already Sunni gangs in the name of "war against Russia". Because such deeds seemed to be an act to obey to white Viking gang violence robbery supremacy simply. US did in the 80's in the South America for Nazis white Viking gang violence supremacy sought to have heroin/cocaine in the name of "a war against communism".
Although yes it is still important to point out that at least concerning ChalieHebdo 
the problem is from Muslim religious racial Sunni supremacists' fundamentalism on violence supremacy, not any other race's problem: not one single problem from any victims' race or religion, or any govt's decision. 
And I have kept writing this: the UN should not admit the application from Palestine govt where violence gang supremacy has continued its physical military attacks and massacre against Israel Lebanon local Muslim Syria Egypt or Iran and have always been causing huge damage in each economy with the aim to drag Israel Lebanon Iran Egypt into hell of violent riots and hell of quasi "social caused" simply gang robbery by inciting poor unskilled unindustrial immigrant gangs, jihadists, in the name of 
"equalisation" till the date when Nazis white Viking gang violence supremacy rob Israel by killing Europeans Christians Jewish Muslims Asians Africans or any and til the date when the last immigrant gang die or kill each other. 

If you do not want to see the world white Viking hang violence supremacy reigns,
not only Arabs Qatar but the world must stop sending arms to AlQaeda ISIS FSA Muslimbrotherhood Hamas; otherwise it is for example, French govt or Israel govt position and rights to claim damage to Qatar or even NATO US or else which have been "nurturing" violence supremacy hangs in each region.