
These days - Don't let viking gang violence supremacy anti modernism pirates force you to kill your government, your social welfare, your individual rights of lives in peace and stable sustainable public administration and legal protection from robbery and violence supremacy.

It seems me that there have been pirates resurgence against any. Pirates priolitizes a manuevoue that urge conflict between government and the people. For example, Alqaeda is mainly by Sunni supremacy immigrant gang who have been against Egypt Government by Sunni, their religion, country but against Egypt diversity and its harmonious culture of Egypt. Then, it seems to me very odd but many Sunni far far right gangs against West against Islael against Christian against Shite or Shiia jumped from their Sunni nation with any religious faiths and have started living in many countries where such Sunni far right gangs against West against Islael against big countries against Japan US China Russia etc.. Unfortunately, such Sunni far right gangs just chose other Middle East countries such as Iraq under Sadam Fusein or Syria after far right Jihadist FSA attacked the legitimate Assad regime, or Libya Tunisia or African nations. It normally is difficult to imagine a situation where immigrant gangs became prevailing in a nation not for its religious faith. But immigrant gangs such as ISIS Alqaeda FSA by Sunni immigrant Hans have been prevailing just because of its "flirting to any frustrating nationals especially frustrating against diversity and globalization in a society in a nation" with its "protest against government or police" and it's justification of violence supremacy. Pirates love to see how immigrant gangs can urge Nationals' irrational anger against their own government to the extent which drag the government power that is designed to protect the Nationals from any gangs including immigrant gangs and reduce national authority law enforcement designed to ban any criminal conducts by any including immigrant gangs. 

Pirates don't do anything but support immigrant gangs' fraudulent shuffling designed to urge any to hate any legitimate governance or any who/which can protect their individual rights to live in peace and sound under national public legal and administrative protection for individual rights and secuirty of their properties, lives and body. 

It is not racial phenomenon in which pirates have been brainwashing people to hate what protect them and to be fascinated by any which intend to devastate them. And at the moment, Pirates seem to focus on the Middle East and the former USSR regions where natural gas is rich. But pirates have been attacking oil fields or gas fields not only for seeking oil or gas but to seek to force people on this globe to use much apparently danger "energy resources" such as nuclear which can be easily, in a sense, to be condensed to pure plutonium which can produce Nuclear weapons or hydrogen which can be exploited to produce another highly mass destruction weapon. Pirates is not only seeking to occupy areas of economy, either capitalism or communism, where pirates -led by a fundamentalism of "live to kill kill to live"- hate. Because economy  always needs more people to live then either capitalism or communism needs social welfare system that guarantees sustainable income and sustanable consumption that guarantees more jobs, higher employment rate, higher salaries and higher revenue from much more sustainable tax revenue from sustainably stable job, salary, income, consumption that underpins sustainably stable national budget that can sustainably circulate for social welfare budget allocation. 
This circulation is something in which pirates or immigrant gangs really hate because sustainably stable economy circulation would reduce frustrations among nationals most that would reduce "chances" for gangs to flirt to make nationals' irrational anger against their government and police or administration then not many would be recruited by immigrant gamgs or national gamgs because there is no advantage for any nationals or even immigrants.
But sometimes in countries with well organized governance for every participants of society, immigrant gangs have been prevailing. Mainly because of fear from terrorism or intimidation along with anti-foreign countries in fascination only into own "regional culture" that includes"culture" of its immigrant gangs and the nations. For example, Alqaeda Sunni immigrant gang demonstrates itself to broad Arabic Islam Muslim nationals as (as if) "protection for all Arabs Muslims Islams from invasion of western foreign nations or foreigners from Asia Japan China or any big countries" whereas Alqaeda demonstrates itself as protection for specifically Sunni immigrants or immigrants against the national government or Christian Shiia Shite etc. Such far right jihadists also hate social welfare system which has broad scope of freedom and eligibility of welfare designed for ordinal nationals of Sunni and ordinal immigrans of Shiite, Shia, Christians or any religious faiths because of the Egypt Constitution in which former President Mubarak regime had had. The Egypt Constitution under Mubarak had banned any political party which banning or hating any religious faiths. The far right jihadist gangs the Muslimbrotherhood had hated and hates any religious faiths but Sunni Islam and hate social welfare, west, east, foreign countries foreign cultures, modern cultures and technology for human rights and lives, economy either communism or even capitalism because economy requires more lives and individual rights and currency which clearly define and guarantee equality of individual value beyond violence and robbery. 
Any nationals should be careful about "shuffling" between good and bad and between respect for diversity and immigrants and reduced law enforcement accerelating more gangs including immigrant gamgs. Don not let pirates to force or conceive you to participate into any exploitation of human right activities or even ordinal legitimate of immigrant rights, anti-government anti-economy anti-lawenforcement "activities" or any anti-social welfare budget or in another name "auterity""movements" that intentionally damages every nationals and people's income, then reduces job then salaries then tax revenues to kill a nation,