APF Chernobyl and Fukushima share wounds of disaster
FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2011 AT 2:46 A.M.
APF AND NYT has written quite good articles.
Among all those articles, especially, this is illustrating the vivid parallel of both nuclear incidents which never failed to devastate all without any exception, all the lives, literary. All the constructive social concerns and cares for each other which has been just slashed out by invisible contamination.
What now we human has been facing up with is the question as to whether still human lie about the real state of nuclear "power" which is merely part of cover up for arm industry mal-intention which is NOT power generation in the first place and that is why NUCLEAR "POWER STATION" cannot be safe cannot care about safety of lives in its design even now in 21century.
Because nuclear "power station" in the first place and even now does not have any intention to generate power.
It, nuclear power stations, could have not been, and even now, cannot be safe from its purpose and from its material features, which never have developed, sought and never think of protecting lives, peace and safety at all in the first place.
- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
nuclear power is not for energy
冨田麻里MariTomita=7thclouds(7thclouds Official Site) ©冨田麻里MariTomita. All rights reserved
平成27年2月から東京都東大和市桜が丘在住(平成27年2月まで新宿区早稲田町在住)2000/2005年英国Sussex大学法学部大学院修士卒 1984年日本大学文理学部心理学科卒
SussuexUniLawSchholLLM/MA'00/'05,NihonUniBA'84 Born in Suginami-KU Tokyo Japan.Living with my lovely dog Biscuit(Bisuke) in my owned newly built house in Higashiyamato-city Tokyo,Japan. Used to live in Waseda-Cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo in my owned flat. Working 5 days a week in a JP ministry as annual contract-base Ttranslation(J-E/E-J)STAFF.
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