- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
Can neighbourhood 'policing' city angels/guardians be permitted to use physical and/or armed violence to replace policing? Is that what citi angels are designed for?!
the legitimacy of 'neighbourhood'policing is not tested or ensured at all but only by its 'necesity' to complement the scarce budget despite the fact that tax/budget should be used for protection of ppls' lives,property,freedom &safty, in the first place. I have been proposing that neighbourhood 'policing' should not to be easily legally permitted to be armed&given any sorts of power of enforcement with arms or physical violence ...Even in the case of 'self-defence' that seemed to be urgent, it should be the case to be passed to police that is only legitimate in taking responsibility to use physical violence&arms only for certain levl of necessity&rationality of use under strict leagal restriction of its use.
This is because of the nature of neibourghood 'policing' in which no one can determine whether it is a simple intentional harm between civilians. And because of the lackness/insufficiency of regulations for them to avoid physical/varbal/armed violence as possible as they can with their ability .
The laws regulate 'neighbourhood''policing'or say 'guardians''city angels' normally lack or are insufficient in the strictness of responsibility to avoid violence. Many may say guardians need arms but actually such cases in which many may deem that guardians should protect themselves with arms/phisical violence are actually those in which the cases guardians should not start handling in the first place! On the other hand,police is being under strict restrictions as to whether s/he can use physical violence&arms, to which part of the location,for example in the air or to the ground,and etc,which all are stipulated in details in the regulations. Hence,the scope of the cases that neghbourhood 'policing' or guardians are taking responsible for should not include the ones that require the strict regulations of the usage of physical violence/arms that are obliged/imperative for police.
Each state/county/city must urgently & exquisitly reveiw the regulations on guardians in terms of the strict ban on the use of physical violence/arms. In patroll&protection of ppl from physical violence/traffickings,etc.,guardians are originally supposed to tackle the situation with non-violent tools such as big horns, or such some other non-violent alternatives along with calling on/ waiting for police arrival for cetain serious cases in which the guardians find cetain level of necessity to protect themselves/civilians.
The national/local laws against physical / varbal /armed violence by neighbourhood 'policing' that enforce them to avoid harming others should be urgently and strictly drafted and implemented.
And in the first place, the budget&the numbers of police should not be irationalily curtailed too much. Police that protects human rights,lives,properties,freedom,peace&safety should be appropriately & sufficiently emploed&dispatched with a balanced & properily assigned number&quality
of police.
Related news article:
'''Trayvon Martin death: thousands march in town where teenager was shot
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson among the speakers at rally as protesters vow to continue until arrest is made''
Associated Press
guardian.co.uk, Saturday 31 March 2012 23.34 BST'
平成27年2月から東京都東大和市桜が丘在住(平成27年2月まで新宿区早稲田町在住)2000/2005年英国Sussex大学法学部大学院修士卒 1984年日本大学文理学部心理学科卒
SussuexUniLawSchholLLM/MA'00/'05,NihonUniBA'84 Born in Suginami-KU Tokyo Japan.Living with my lovely dog Biscuit(Bisuke) in my owned newly built house in Higashiyamato-city Tokyo,Japan. Used to live in Waseda-Cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo in my owned flat. Working 5 days a week in a JP ministry as annual contract-base Ttranslation(J-E/E-J)STAFF.
Bloggin about criminal justicepolicies,budget,human rights, films,music,etc. Pro-UKLabourParty,Pro-Assad/Mubarak Anti-ISIS, AntiGreenParty/SNP
AntiMuslimbrotherhood/AntiViolence Antidiscrimination,AntiMarijuana&anypoisonous substances,Anticasino, AntiWSO 民主主義の実質化の一方法として政府案政治家案が立法化される前に政策分析政策批判政策提案を行い,選挙の投票だけでなく具体的な立法活動の途中でも政治家の政策講堂国会の政策形成に関わることのできる重要な要素インターネットでの政策形成参加の機会これからも大事に地球規模の問題を人権保障の為の調和外交的紛争解決反軍事反核拡散銃器規制薬物規制暴力組織規制徹底推進、反差別反暴力反ファシズムと平和的政治行動の視点から人権刑事政策自然災害予防自然災害救助軍縮差別原発廃炉などについて日本語や英語で書いたり私が撮影した写真や私の手作り料理なども載せます。
写真料理含め等全著作権が私冨田麻里に専一的に帰属All rights exclusively reserved for Mari Tomita.