- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
It is not about Assad regime, it is not about US, it is about arms continuously being sent to the 'civilians' in the name of 'democracy', which reminds me of the CONGO/Somali 'civil wars' in the name of 'liberation' intending justification of killings in such a huge scale of consumption of arms
What intnl society needs is to regulate NGOs to stop their sending arms&money to the 'civilians' in the disguise of 'supporting ''democracy''which simply urges anyone kill/bomb anyone in the oame of'anger' which reminded me of african massacares in the early 2000s!
It is not about Assad to bestepdown. There is no legitimate reasons or procedures but violence in the chaos made by riots and arms sent by foreign 'NGOs' 'to support 'democracy' which actually have been worsening the situation.
It is not Assad regime to be regulated/stopped but the arms rushed into middle-east in the name of 'democratic liberation'by international'NGOs'without any international consencus or any legitimate democratic agreement/grounds but only with certain motief of seeking the existing regimes' resignations via shouts of hate on fundamentalism.
The UN and international society need to stop such NGOs sending arms to the people to make them easily kill others. UN and international society must stand still to stop such NGOs making civilians gangs in the lures of hopes in peace which ends up in horrible unceasable violence and torture killings as if each nation were becoming gang mob city where, as if, only arms help people -no.
As you see in Libya, the arms spread to everyone only with fundamentavism of hate other foreign cultures/religious faiths, only with certain conviction in violexce&arms.
People are fashinated by the violence which only brings people to the end of the world asap.
It is 'NGOs' who continue sending arms to the hands of ordinary people and make people feel like s/he could do anything
without grounds&legitimate procedures of democracy.
It is the arms&"NGOs" kill the democratic will&procedures by keeping
arms rushed ioto middle-east
as some money-londering consultants for gangs with flooded arms with no use
did before in CONGO/Somali in Africa.
What is real state of such international 'NGO's in the first place?
What UN/international society needs is not asking step down of Assad regime or president Assad. What UN/international society needs to is reseach on the reasons why such 'NGOs' could have been given such permission of sending arms to civilians.
The world is going to be a place of war in arms, anytime, anywhere, it seems to me, which is something no one expected to see but gangs&organizations seeking people use arms and kill each other more..
I would like to the people in the middle-east realize such motief already seen
in Africa of killing all in inner conflicts.
Please wake up from the fashination in armed violence to avoid exposed yourself to the same old explotation of your life in peace by gangs/organization seeking decreace of the population in the full of resources - such as minerals in africa and oils in middle-east.