- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
And I would say, Obama is much closer to Bush in its keeness in protecting Americans&the world of peace as caring every people in the world as possible he can.
What Bush provided the Americans were the stable governance for the ordinary people's everyday life by strengthening job programs for youth who can not find their doors to start carriers, the broaden the application of medicare for the elderly in relation to gain medicine prescriptions from doctors with less time and less cost. Bush also attempted, and unfortunately failed, to provide minimum pension for everyone no matter how short period s/he could have been working and paying the pension fees by reducing pension money to be paid to the middle class or upper class people.
Bush also attempted, and again unfortunately failed though, to allow many peaceful, appropriate illegal immigrants to apply for American citizen. Bush had been honestly equal or trying to equally provide his governance to anyone no matter how his/her colour of skin,religion, race or educational backgrounds.
What he failed in cutting and public education services in each region is party the consequences from what certain people intended to make the quality and level of education to be fairly even in each region. But is was not proper way of governance.
The quality and level of education should be raised by each region/school where each student and parents are being long familiar with. The number of schools cannot be reduced but the quality and level should be raised by putting more endevours with better teaching skills/teaching materials, not reducing the number of schools.
The Bush tax incentives for the riches were only functioned only at the era when people could have been using their money to buy in the normal market to be circulated back into the jobs, tax revenue from companies, and again the public social security/welfare/education to increase stable dispensable income for the power of consumption to be circulated.
Not anymore. Now, the incentives have been gone to something in the market to be circulated from the richest to the poorest in the taxation and the proper governance. Now, no matter how incentive tax had been increased, it would not have much economic impact coz the money would go for something other but the products or normal services.
About what Romney "tax cuts" means, there's a youtube where Clinton gave convincing and simple explanation. Please see this.
Bush cares for, equally, every veterans not only for the welfare but also for raising/caring each veteran's and for employing of the spirit of the national security.
Bush, all in all, cares for Americans' quality of life and human rights, quality of economy, quality of security, and quality of the peace and human rights of the world as the president of united states of America.
The reason why Bush could have made jobs more is because Bush could have increase dispensable income not only via taxation but also small changes in medicare system and other ways.
Not because of the tax incentives for the richest.
In this context, Obama has continued carrying out the medicare/medicaid system which definitely reduce the medical cost for the people in need which definitely increase their dispensable income to buy the milk, bread, vegetables and books to learn skills for jobs more.
Many have been misunderstood about the "compulsory" factor in Obama medicare/medicaid which is, however, normally seen in Japan.
Everyone takes responsibility to pay the compulsory medicare fee for all to run the medicare/medicaid system.
It is fair and secure for everyone to run such system protecting everyone's rights to go and have the best medical therapies for their health.
Anyone could be the one who cannot be afford to buy expensive medical insurance by himself/herself. That is just a system of caring each other with the cost each can pay at each stage. Caring others in medicare/medicaid would definitely build secure, stable, safe and equal society to allow anyone/any family to buy glossaries, stationary, clothes and etc. that would definitely circulate into market and small&big companies to hire more and pay more revenue depending on the amount such people in need to have chances to increase their dispensable income by the governance/medicare/medicaid, tax exemption or tax benefits.
Obama Medicare/Medicaid with your medicare payments will bring more jobs in your cities, your towns, your families and relatives and more income in your hands.
Obama cares veterans more than Romney, Obama cares everyone in the United States of America no matter how the colour of the skin, no matter how his/her belief and religion is.
If you would like to see Bush-like
Presidency again for everyone including veterans and small shop owners in the office, it could not be materialized by Romney who would work only for companies - levaiathan who wants to demolish/reduce taxation on companies/gang organizations by making more loopholes and to demolish every cent of budget spending for the people but the companies/livaiathan gangs' "consultants/brokers". Leviathan is also obvious in Romney whose plan of spending in national security to built more ships while cutting budget for veterans. Leviathan normally won't spend public money much for the people but for the arm industries probably because choosing and ordering arms is directly/indirectly related to certain interests of politicians who decide. For example, as typical way of Leviathan.
According to NYT,Romney plans to spend additional 2 trillion more. Romney planed to spednd more especially for building submarines while retaining the cutting of the number of solders.URL:NYTimes: Romney’s Proposal for More Military Ships Draws Skepticism http://nyti.ms/RRwTw0
Obama has been and will keep fighting against Levaiathan. Leviathan is anarchism violence/ganging oriented fundamentalism to aim at materialising a world without any rules,monetary system,taxation and governance caring for those in need or those in weakness. Leviathan is seeking to build a world where only property/arm "rich",say gangs, can survive. Leviathan attacks,then,public governance/taxation on companies (not on individuals),and opposes to economy/circulation of money from the companies/the richest to the poorest via governance and social welfare protecting everyone's human rights and quality of life. Leviathan targets not only socialism,communism but monetary system,banking,
Obama will continue supporting for public endeavours to widen the scope of the people who can buy the goods/products/services to the extent which sustains companies to run their business,to hire the people and to pay proper tax without loopholes or unreasonably politically "reduction" for the companies. Obama will reduce the burdens put on the middle class income tax. Obama also reduces the small shop owners' income tax especially with certain job incentives to hire the people.
Romney cannot be, what so ever, the one who can stop the above. Rather, Romney is the part of the above to squeeze the people to collect tax money from the people especially those in need in order to reduce taxation on companies and to broaden the loopholes for the companies to circulate money and jobs only within the circle of levaiathan who commits economic crimes by making more loopholes for companies. Tax cuts for companies is the core policy Romney can develop if he can be a president, which would not benefit anyone but himself and such.
About national security, what Romney prioritizes is not the peace, the quality and safety of national solders and national care for veterans. It is, again, Obama, who cares Veterans and the quality of life and human rights of national solders of the united states of America. That is so apparent for anyone of Americans that it is Obama who can clearly make solders secured enough to fight against any enemies to the people of the united states of America, the national interests, and the peace and stability of the nation and the world.
Problem is not referring, but the above - and the spy satellites - which have been brain washing people to choose only levaiathan candidates who want to make people hate own gov't unless the gov't is run by levaiathan politicians who seek to make people conflict each other and to kill each other or abondon the people by not using budget for the people but the companies to demolish national governance run via taxation to circulate money to the people in need to broaden the scope of consumers.
Romney is the worst candidate in its interests setting on the property rights and land property based values to borrow more money for more "business" to buy out other valuable companies' land properties to keep such circulation of money.
Romney is not, in the first place, an appropriate candidate for president who needs to worry about dispensable income and consumers ability to buy and the budgeting to sustain the dispensable income of every americans as possible as the president can.
Romney is a "business man" but is the one who does not need to worry about dispensable income of every american, about real economy status of the united states of America. What Romney worry about is the means to reduce taxation on the businessmen/companies dealing with land/mineral property rights/assets values the companies, like those Romney owned ones, to sell and to borrow money to/from someone seeks to gain the control of such valuable mineral/oil related property rights every minute.
If you are interested in Obama's promises to you, please check the following Obama pagesthose of Bush's or Clinton's .
Obama's promises are much closer,compared with Romney, to Bush&Clinton in
honestly keen to the peace without arms&deaths, to quality of ppl's lives&protection of safety&quality of lives!
about obama's policy and promises please see the following URLs: