- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
Obama is doing possibly thinkable very best. And,Romney is not Bush. Or remember, even Bush could not handle the world of terror after the success of Iraqi intervention.
Honestly saying, Romney could be a president in 70s. Honestly, Romney has only simple ideas which seem to have worked in much simpler world.
Romney's foreign policy is so shmple to show off if any country won't abmit International society's advice, the US would show its power as police. It was successfully implimented in the Iraqi intervention to save Iraqi people/civilians from the deadriest violent dictatorship of Saddam Hussein.
Now, the rightous of America does seem to be difficult to tell&even to implement.
Look, the middle-east, it seems to be something which no one can handle with.But it is not because of Obama but because of far-right very specifically conbatant, in its nature due to very wierdly nationalism/Xonophobia oriented&brain washing oriented fundamentalists in the disguise of Sunni.
Why I tell you this is because Romney's foreign policy is not leading to any peace but to do more worsen by showing off how he can help such fundamentalists. Romney clealy promised to bomb on Iran just because it is not a nation/gov't to accept Muslim Brotherhood which is the origine of Jihaad/al-Qaeda, is a 'sort of sunni' but actually 'sunni based(disguised)violent fundamentalism 'group' milita.
Everyoen need to realize that what 'bomb on Iran' means.'Bomb on Iran' is not merely a tactics to attract Israel support to Romney but is a promise to kill anyone all of the region where fundamentalism Muslim Brother hood cannot penentrate.Romney's 'Bomb on Iran' does mean a continued 'efforts' to kill every place if the place is opposing to accept Muslim Brotherhoods' ''charity(fraud to attract people with 'free''food&medicine to enforce poorest/hugriest people to declare to become a nationalist for MBH fundamentalism/anti-immigrants conbatant pre-army)''. Syria,Iran,Lebanon are those of such. It is NOT of an issue of ideology but rather a world invasion by using their own people to take every valuable from every nation/region in the disguise of Islamist fundamentalism which is actually a 'global' land occupation intending to rob property/mineral/water source rights with no money.If people kill their own gov't that protect the people's rights/safety/goods/property, then,who would take the property?The answer is 'global'far-rights such as Spain/Italy with huge shareholders from Swiss/Germany/Austraria/Australia/Canada/US/Korea/Taiwan etc.
Romney is NOT Bush.If Bush were in the position of Obama, Bush would not promise 'bomb on Iran'.Coz,Iran is not the cause of the middle-east mess,he probably knows.
It is Muslim Brotherhood the world need to stop but it is not possible to stop Muslim Brotherhood by arms,probably.People are too much brain washed in the context of fundamentalitic conbatant far-right nationalism/violent killings as something which, as if, fulfilled their demands, actually MBH just exploits the people to crash own nation/own gov't only for MBH's robbing of their rights&properties/interests of the people, though.
Romeny won't bring any peace at all.Romeny just continue to let the people kill their own nation or Romney just bombs on the targets whose property,rights of oils&minerals r to be robbed by 'global' gangs to acceralate the speed of gang robbing.
Obama has been shown his ability not to bomb on Syria where such fundamentalistic brain washing oriented gangs.
Paul condemend Obama did not bomb on the fundamentalists in Libya.But I would not say Romney would have bombed on the Libyan far-right fundamentalist.Romney may have bombed on Gaddaffi with NATO.
I rather would wonder why Paul would not bring the issue of Egypt.
I analize the percentage if Obama could do something to MBH.
But I conclude that it could not be possible for anyone,including Bush,to intervine to Egypt to stop 'civil' armed violence led by MBH.
If Romney would have been attacking on such a huge number of the people brainwashed by far-right fundamentalistic Muslim Brotherhood?No.Romeny would have been attacking on Mubarak gov't,which would only benefit far-right fundamentlist invasion by rasing peoples'hate&violence to own gov't which, correctly for the people's human rights, won't accept fundamentlist/xenophobia nationalism far-right Muslimbrotherhood as a political party. Every nation could be the next.Not only in the middle-east.
Obama has been doing the possibly thinkable very best as the American President which bears the critical responsibility for Americans&the world.
Pro-US Egypt was fell down because of MBHs ''free'' food/medicine camp!
hand down the Arab lands/oil to European companies with European/American/Australian/Cannadian/International far-right share holders.
Far-right squeezers are now taking every valuable from every nation/region by rasing violent hate&anger and sending arms to the people to hate their own gov't and kill their own safety to ''invite'' the invader-fundamentalism built in own land by 'own race' to give in to the simply gangs of fundamentlism of xenophobia&nationalism.
Who would benefit from the war on own national gov't that fight against Muslim Brotherhood, the combatant fundamentalism?
Who would get more dividends from the war in middle-east raised 'by the own people'?Probably highly GOP members of congress.
And,who supports Romney?Why?
Exactly happened in Africa, some companies in the world, are seeking more minerals/water sources in middle-east by raising anger and hate to kill and demolish the people and property rights.
What Muslim brotherhood doing to the people of Egypt is slightly similar to '(Korea)Unity(統一)”which disguises of Christianism but actually is a Korean far-right nationalism/anti-communism combatant gangs stealing/robing money and valuables with armed/non-armed violence and brain-washing.
Korean political atmosphere has long been just letting the Unity because of its anti-communism is favoring of the politicians interests to get/collect dirty money or donation from companies by letting such fundamentalist nationalist far-right gangs to bully/attack on left/communism political ideas oriented labor unions. But too much favoring of such fundamentalist gangs may damage the legitimacy of politics itself, which has been a big problem of Korea.
Or MBH is similar to '(Japan)Oumu' which disguised buddism/yoga but actually is a far-right nationalism/xenophobia/anti-western culture combatant militant which killed more than 1000 elites as they are representatives of "western-success" and one lawer and his family as they are communism oriented. Far-right milita oumu was/is relatively freely carried out their "activities" of nationalism fundamental brain-washing because certain Japanese politicians favored and benefited from such "anti-communism,which benefits executives of companies not to raise wages.
Finally, this year, Japanese Police finally caught and arrested members of oumu. But such political atmosphere similar to that of Korea has been still remaining to let far-right nationalist fundamentalist xenophobia combatant^anti-communist/anti-us/anti-western groups are to be seen as subject to donate or to be obey to its coercive menace of violence/terrorism.
Muslim Brotherhood is a cause of violence but is not simply a fundamentalism. Muslim brotherhood is an origin of Jihaad, al-Qaeda, which disguises as if Islamist fundamentalism but actually simply gangs by raising anger/violence with brain washing and Islamist fundamentalism. And its purpose is to let the people kill each other to the extent which demolish/crash their nation/government. The aim is to rob the national property/property rights/mineral rights/water sources and valuables by using the anger/hate of the people themselves.
It is all the same to the western fundamentalist Christian far-right combatant hardliner milita gangs disguising Christianism but all are the same in the armed fundamentalism raising anger&hate to kill each other.
All the behind of such combatant far-right fundamentalism, always US/Korean/German NGOs who calls themselves as someone for democracy who were arrested for their acts of ignite of riots in Egypt(and in the process of responding to the riots such NGOs ignited, such NGOs urged gov't side's violence).Some of them are being financially organized with members of GOP, according to several media.
I am not accusing of GOP itself. But as you see in many countries, it could be said that if far-right combatant anti-communism gangs, such as Korean Unity, or anti-us anti-western far-right nationalist combatant milita gangs such as al-Qaeda, or Japanese Oumu, have been too much favored by certain politicians to gain more interests from companies or to hamper labor union activities, or to gain oil property rights in Africa/the middle-east/Asia, or to sell more arms to such far-right militants/gangs to get more dividends from arm industries, if right -even a centriest who would bomb on Iran where such far-right fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood cannot touch down as a political party-wing hardliner politicians have not been able to stop or wont stop sending arms to such places where hate and anger have been raised by fundamentalist groups of their own race, it would be rather a big mistake of causing such Egypt/Libya/Syria brutal civil armed violence to their own govt that protect their own land/property/rights and lives to hand down and give in to such far-right gangs.
I would say, it is not Obamas mistake, but someones mistake to let such far-right combatant groups carry on brain washing to lead the people to involve to violent activities to demolish all valuables of their own nation including proper govt that protects themselves.
It is not a mistake of Bush, but of course not of Obama that is so clear for anyone.
It could be a mistake of RomneyGOP cause he seems to be part of the series of fundamentalist attacks on any nation no to Muslim brotherhood by using the people of the nation to demolish any valuable mineral rights and property to the extent which kills the people or evacuates by the people themselves.
Every nation is being in the apparent existing danger to face up with the Muslim brotherhood or such sort of quasi-inner civil conflict based invasion which exploits the people of the nation to be attacked/demolished in saying-if the nation says no to fundamentalism Muslim Brotherhood or any other fundamentalist anti-us/anti-communism combatant far-right nationalistic militants which always demand of killings of someone who is not beneficial to such fundamentalism violent gangs - Korean Unity/Oumu/al-Quaeda/Natiz..
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