
President Obama's fight against gun violence ''NOW IS THE TIME'' is a quite rational,insightful and convincing plan everyone to support.Support Obama's plan!

Here is President Obama's highly remarkable plan to protect everyone especially children,streets and communities from gun violence, "NOW IS THE TIME" that is thoughtout the rational grounds of legal banning on arms to protect lives and save the safty of the people.
"NOW IS THE TIME" ー The President's Plan to protect our children and our communities by reducing gun violence. URL:http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/docs/wh_now_is_the_time_full.pdf
The ponints of the plan are: 1. Closing backgrouns check loopeholes 2. Banning of miritaly-style assault weapon&high-capacity magazines 3. Making schools safer 4. Increasing access to mextal health services
Most vital decision made by President Obama is the whole complete ban of assault weapons&high-capacity magazines. Also, it is very much thoughtout decision that the Obama's plan designs the plan as the very much scientifically grounded idea to increase to protect the community that includes peple with mental illness by increasing mental health services. Amagingly insightful. Because, as I write below, it is too much unnecessarily meaninglessly developed guns and arms which kill. Not do the persons themselves kill others without guns and arms. Thank you President Obama and Vice President Biden. Finally, ban on -manufacturing,selling,posessing,using-assault weapons and high capacity magazines!!finally!!,whose definition could be your another fights though. I would say, this part-what is assault weapon/high-capacity magazine- is very much critial to define as to whether your endeavours to protect life and safe environment will reach to the streets and the people. Whether 'ban' means arrests of anyone manufacturing/developing(remember?the case of the theatre kill?his self-build assault weapons)/selling including anyone only posessing assault weapons? I reckon it should be so and it is so so long in Japan. It must have been tough negotiation I assume. But what I have dreamt of is a gun control to ban on arm industries to DEVELOP/Manufacture/retail high-capacity rifle/guns or sorts assault weapons and magagines. And this should be agreed with int'l society. It is not person but arm to kill others.After all those ''technological development'' which enables every child kill his younger 4 years old sister. It is NOT people but the GUNS which enable people kill others far ''effectively&quickly(unnecessasily)'' ever in the human history of life. I definitely ask you,presiednt&vice president&the congress, to ban arm industries developing/manufacturing/retailing/selling  guns&magazines that is normal in Japan/UK and other many countries. No afraid of ''undergroundly developped arms'' because no manufacturer can under such law. Cooperation from investors&industries is the most critical!    The most important success in President Obama&Biden is to pass the law of banning of developing/manufacturing/retailing/selling/posessing/using assault weapons&high-capacity magazines. Please continue the efforts to clear the definition of 'assault weapons/magazines'. Everyone will and must support the Obama's plan to fight against gun violence.