- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
It is not rebel but gang of invasion. Assad/Syria is under the war against invasion in the name of "rebels" supported by foreign fundamentalism organization in the disguise of "democratic movement" which actually intends to rob the natural resources in the several middle-east nations.
I've been pointing out that what is happening in Syria is NOT revolution or rebels but simply an invasion against the legitimate genuine power of President Assad and the Syrian people who have been managing the people and national governance with or without elections. President Assad has been historically having his legitimacy as president in terms of its origin of the process to obtain sovereignty as a nation of Syria. There are many many nations which have not had elections as often or as open but no one would attack or send arms or solders to such countries but Syria because Syria has huge volume of mineral resources including oils. The reason of why only is Syria being "condemned" by certain "westerners" because the presidency and governance by the President Assad and his regime is popular and stable to certain degree to the extent which would not able to provoke any unnecessary insurgents, terrorism or quasi-rebels without any foreign pressures and monetary funding which urges certain neo-natiz nationalistic fundamentalism "movement" within Syria which could not have been emerging per sue within Syria but with foreign, on the surface, "democratic movement" "initiatives" N.G.O. package. Such foreign "democratic""movement""initiatives"are, however,ACTUALLY,intending to wave-attacks to damage and rob the stable Syria Assad governance and the economy that has been taking positive and constructive leading role in OPEC that has been fully supporting the middle-east economy and developments and the international society energy supply with such a tremendously huge potentiality of mineral resources such as the oils.
Because as I wrote above, it is not only Syria but many many nations which have not had regular periodical elections. Syria is a nation of stable and peace and has certain sovereignty to choose the pace of changing its political system if people want to do so.
And President Assad has announced his intention to move forward in 7 years to start periodical regular election of presidency.
Every nation has its own pace and style about the manner of governance and the election although it is also true that the democracy tends to be correctly implemented under regular election of parliament members and president. But not are all countries taking up the democracy that many nations of the international society have been implemented.
And no country has such a right to enforce other nations to adopt their election systems.
And any country has a right to choose its own form of democracy or governance, or whether it adopts an election system or not in its governance.
At least, whether having election or not is not a suitable matter to be enforced by foreign nations or foreign organizations.
Also, even under election system. depends on the environment surrounding the voters' human rights, “normal""election" is not necessarily ensure that legitimate representatives are always chosen.
Why now Syria is not because of the political system which can be seen any other nations in the world.
Why now Syria is because of the huge amount of mineral energy resources-say, Syria is a rich nation in mineral resources and because of the stable and strong governance by President Assad which has sustained the Syrian people's quality of life by sending the oils to westerns and other developed countries.
Neo-natiz "activists" or Islamist, who often are provoked/brainwashed by certain "brokers" who have been "buyout" lands without money after they intentionally induced "inner" armed conflicts and killings in the name of "rebels" each other in Africa and anywhere, may say: "oh, no, if your president had not sold the oil then you could have been more rich." Oh, no. The oil is making money only when the westerners and other nations buy and refine to certain level of volume with certain budget by the oil companies.
President Assad has sold Syria's most precious mineral resources with certain appropriate level of price to the extent which enables Syria to develop its own education, welfare, culture and medical development and so on for the Syrian people with his intelligence and foreign connections.
And that is why foreign "organizations" have been provoking "inner" conflicts and killing/damaging Syrian people by sending arms, solders and money to the peace and serene nation Syria where no tribal conflicts existed before such foreign based insurgents and terrorists armed violence.
President Assad made rare speech, which is so correct.
What is needed to be done is to stop any organizations sending arms, solders and money to terrorists/insurgents. What is happening in Syria is such a terrorism which has been killing huge.
And what is the issue here is: any national police has rights to self-defense to such attackers against people of Syria and the government although if it is the case when the regime has committed war crimes then investigation could be initiated. But in the first place, what was the situation the ASSAD regime and the people was stuck in and what was the cause are to be closely fairly investigated before the international society starts condemning only the Assad regime in which such unfair dirty armed foreign invasion with supports of foreign money and arms in the name of "supportive" "movements" intending to rob the stable and strong governance by Assad regime that has been protecting the people of Syria and the indispensable mineral resources including oils for the Syria and the Syrian people's interests and welfare. The President ASSAD and his regime have certain rights to protect their nation and their people from violent attacks. Syria is NOT Iraq where Saddam Hussein killed 400 thousands journalists and human rights activists, thousands Kurds and the own people only by/for his regime.
Assad is quite opposite to the Saddam Iraq. What is happening now is quite opposite to what Iraq intervene was doing to the people. Even if anyone found Syria insufficient in its procedures of democracy, the international commitments must be remained as political supportive initiatives for the existing regime/governance that normally take long, 10-15 years for example, only with peaceful,rational,convincing,non-violent and very much grounded without any conflicts of interests
against the national prosperous. In this context, the "democratic movement" "activities" can not be deemed as something which called "rights movement" at all. And actually, president Assad already declared his plan to start new political system in 7 years that includes the proposal to start its first presidential election. Syria is therefore not the case where the international society needs to intervene but to help out from such physically violent insurgents.
The legitimacy of the nation can not evaluated only by the frequency of the election or the system of politics as to whether it has multiple parties or regular elections but also, or even rather,by whether it has certain high or appropriate level of human rights, certain level of protection of the quality of their human rights or by whether it has been protecting peace, safety of life, body, property, freedom of peaceful non-violent political speech and activities, freedom of beliefs and religious faiths in peaceful manners from armed or non-armed terrorism harassment or attacks etc.
And also the government has its rights to self-defense against apparent violent physical attacks/terrorism/insurgents/armed attacks against its normal peaceful governance.
What is happening in Syria and against the Assad regime is simply insurgents supported by multinational foreign organizations which have been misunderstanding the reason of justification of "intervene “which should not be such a difference in the political systems but be certain level of liability based on its apparent criminal conducts against their own people of the nation by the government/police/military members or private gangs members or simply insurgents.
In Syria, it is not the case of the international society must condemn the Assad regime but the terrorists in the name of "rebel" as it is similar to the case of the republic of Congo where "rebels" just killed and raped so many civilians after the government surrendered by the heavily armed gangs or terrorists in the disguise of the name of "rebels", on the surface and failed to protect their own people from the brutality of such a cruel inhumane violence by the insurgents supported by foreign westerners "investors “in Germany and France.
International society must stand still and act together to ban foreign fundamentalism "organizations" to raise nationalistic or tribal-based hate crime/attack against their own governance to damage their own national stable governance and sound state as oil supplier, and ban such provoking "activists “groups to send arms, solders and money to Syria just because of condemning the difference in the political systems.
Again, the nation of Syria, the President Assad regime and Syrian people are the victims of the violent attacks supported by foreign fundamentalist groups and the UN and the international society must provide an immediate resolution to oblige such foreign fundamentalist groups to send arms, solders and money to Syrian terrorists/insurgents/gangs, quasi-"rebels", now, which is sufficient to help all the Syrian people and the Assad regime which could manage to help their own people somehow compared with the republic of Congo. Stop sending arms/money to the terrorists in Syria then the killings would stop. No reason to contact with such a gang or any other groups who are connecting with such a gangs in the disguise of "rebels" or "revolution". Simply, no reason to do so.