- 日々感じたことを・・・。 by 冨田麻里MARI TOMITA(7thclouds公式ブログ2) (Moved from Waseda-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japn to Higashiyamato-city Tokyo Japan in Feb 2015 )
Update my blog -Diary with biscuit Difficult issues2handle anti-US anti-communism fundamentalist "immigrant" incl gangs4quasi"movement"
i update my excite blog -Diary with biscuit.http://nomado7th.exblog.jp/20243401/
the blog content is as follows:
Diary with biscuit by 冨田麻里(7thclouds)2013/05/21
- Difficult issues2handle anti-US anti-communism fundamentalist "immigrant" incl gangs4quasi"movement"
I am against anti-US anti-communism pro-violence fundamentalism - and I have been recognizing certain difficult issues to handle anti-US anti-communism far right "immigrant" gangs and anti-US Asian superior"organizations" for quasi"movements" to demolish what the world and Japan have built - peace and equality of human rights.
Anti-communism anti-US pro-gang "immigrants" tend to be deemed as "safe" to avoid criticism against far right,which is favored by Jp right wing heavily depending on Asian superior share dividends and from human rights groups who correctly care for generally immigrants' human rights.
I am not against immigrants at all.
I have been&am peacefully politically aginst any sort of discrimination and am opposing to fundamentalism, violence,guns&arms,cannabis or any sort of poisn including cocaine/heroine/similar ''herbs''etc. and am opposing especially to violence oriented discriminative fundamentalism waven into sheer violence oriented pro-gang quasi'movement' of ''universalization'' of gang activities in the rhetric of 'free from westernized concept of rights and anti-violence'. Oh no. but it is convincing if gangs lead initiatives of such anti- human rights anti-US "liberalization" to reign the world by violence&robbing. "Movement for democracy" for " freedom" of gangs to rob, kill, fraud to avoid any legal claims from human rights, constitution including legal property rights under normal proper,anti-violence pro-human rights,governance.
Pro-violence far right anti-communism anti-western racial fundamentalist immigrant
groups or gangs exploit quasi-"movements" by using less westernized Japanese who are likely to be easily assimilated to anti-US anti-westernization anti-technology anti-modernization.
What is anti-communism / anti-US violent fundamentalist "movement" doing actually is anti-modernization/anti-globalization in investment/labour rights/human rights in the disguised of quasi-"movement" by anti-US anti-communism "immigrants" whom everyone including general immigrants have difficult to condemn
In this context, the world conflicts must be seen.
Israel must deem USRussiaChinaAssad&Hezbollah friends to fight back against boarderless fundamentalism intoruders who anyway bash Israel unless the case Israel becomes an fundamentalism anti-islam far right fundamentalism or anti-US far right Islamist fundamentalism such as MB.
Assad himself&his royal or Hezbollah never attacked Israel from GAZA, which is something to remember!
Not many do recognize a continued strange "racial" attacks or shall i say "intrusion"from far right anti-US anti-communism white "immigrants" against native Islam locals in Lebanon including against members of Hezbollah sever racial violent attacks.
Such "immigrants" seem to tend to see themselves as "crusaders" to find " a nation only for such far right fundamentalism white anti-US anti-Communism anti-Islam local natives outside of Europe even outside from Christianity - whites only for white superior! in the middle of the middle-east full of oils and minerals just next to Islael full of natural gas at the Israel sea.
In Japan, former Asian, mainly former far right taiwanese anti-US anti-communism gang "immigrants" have been increased in the number&political influence to the extent which appears to have stronger connection with various political far right anti-US anti-communism fundamentalism groups who have been against Koreans. Such
Fundamentalism groups have been "immigrants" who are against communism,
against US,
and against royals&Japanese Defense Force(which wrongly many lefts in Japan).
Such former Taiwanese far right anti-US/anti-Communism gangs are also pro-marijuana and probably pro-guns.
Then, it seems to me a strange situation is going on here.
Far right anti-US anti-Communism fundamentalistic Taiwanese "Immigrants" in Japan have been, seems to be, gathering the money and power to support racial bashing against western cultures, against Koreans,
against anti-fundamentalism. All such "political" stance is leading to bashing against human rights concept and labour rights in pretending as if all rights movement to claim human rights are as if seemed to be a as if "consequences" from westerrization-(No way) and Asians, from such Asian superior fundamentalism, have been "badly" "influenced"!?
Then no matter how s/he is a Japanese, westerners, any immigrants from anywhere, such Asian superior fundamentalism rumor-oriented "community" or private worker anti-US anti-Communism anti-monetary system pro-uncivilized and pro-cannabis private organization "evaluation" always only if s/he stands against US/human rights concepts/UN/western cultures/communism/economics/monetary system/technical advancement/medicine/buying things or even market itself.
But you need to realize .. for what sake such fundamentalism anti-US anti- Communism anti-Monetary system anti-banks,anti-human rights,anti-royals only to royals who are opposing to far right fundamentalism gangs or al-Qaeda?
Such would seem to try to say Modernization is as if "bad" because modernization human rights have been " resist" against such because otherwise violent power to rob was the strongest?! Who are such!? Simply gangs. I would assume.
It seems as if far right Asian Superior anti-UA anti-Communism Taiwanese or certain marginal, before, numbers of Taiwanese immigrants who cannot go and get green cards in the US but hate China then against US/Communism/korea,as a competent immigrant group against anti-US anti-Japan anti-Communism, found a nation, Japan, as a perfect nation for SUCH anti-US anti-Communism and hiddenly anti-Japan Taiwanese far right intrusive fundamentalism gangs who have been penetrating into Japanese ordinal private firm company workers especially who cannot find any specific recognition in globalized business community but the anti-US anti-Communism worker "community" because in such workers "organization" or "community" everything is evaluated depending on whether s/he is anti-western anti-US and anti-Communism.
In turn, they find their "self-esteem" without any qualification, language skills, knowledges or academic skills or even find ways to be promoted by such far right anti-US anti-communism organizations...
Such "community" also inevitably exploits workers' voluntary "give up" of overwork payment or any labour rights to claim as obeying to the "rules" binding such far right anti-US anti-Western culture fundamentalists saying as if " rights " are "bad"to claim because
such "bad" conducts or "labour rights to claim" are because,according to such anti-US anti-Communism fundamentalism, "due to" "western cultures"!
You know who would love such-anti-US(means anti-human rights anti-labour rights)
anti-Communism (means anti-labour legal court cases tend to lower dividends for various racially originated investors) anti-big countries (because many investors from big nation are also pro-labour rights for every racial origins, many big nation are normally against anti-Communism anti-US Asian superior fundamentalism gangs members whose members are composed of former Taiwanese far right anti-communism anti-US gangs, other "immigrant" far right gangs including Japanese gangs (not were/are small number of Asian superior far right fundamentalism in Japanese yakuza gangs from anti-Communism anti-US Taiwanese gangs who have been notorious with its physically violent attacks against labour rights movement, political labour rights activities and parliament activities. Japanese/Asian superior fundamentalism far right investors&gangs who sought to gain more dividends with less labour costs intentionally had introduced Taiwanese anti-Communism and/or anti-US gangs from Taiwan to suppress labour legal movements from Socialist Party(now SDP) and Japanese Communist Party or certain westernized rights conscious organizations etc.), it is said to be. Several months ago, Japanese local politician was severely injured when he was attacked with knife and cut in his back and arms by a "former" far right anti-communism and highly probably anti-US gang member. Such attacks often happened in Japan especially when a local parliament member is participating into a parliament committee to decide public procurement, decide who to have contracts with local governments,especially when a parliament members, communism socialist party or not, who are against certain procurement "contract".
Or especially when a local government decides which public school text book to be chosen, especially when some members are against introduce of far right distorted history text books which denies Japanese military responsibilities of brutal physical abuses, sexual slavery, brutal tortures, manslaughters to many Asians and Americans British and Europeans and Japanese against war, against tortures, against invasion to Asia or else. Such wrongly distorted far right Asian superior- since such text book praise Japan as a wall against Western and US which oddly closely chords with anti-US anti-Communism Taiwanese far right fundamentalism organization along with strong supports from political party called Minnanotou under the era of DPJ especially under influence from Ichirou Ozawa former secretary-general of DPJ(Democratic Party of Japan) now a party leader of Seikatsunotou.
Once a text book is formally confirmed as a text to use by public school teachers public schools have no alternatives to use such history text book but buying other fair and historically correct text book via other local budget because public authority can spare their public budget, tax, to buy only text book confirmed by local parliament education committee to decide which text to be bought by tax for all public students. Then many municipal governments inevitably bought such historically incorrect and distorted history text book favoring for anti-western Asian superior fundamentalism rejecting Japanese responsibilities in the WWII but rather enforce public student to see Japanese militaries as " crusaders" who had
protected Taiwanese from China Communism Westerners who were sided to China. Such anti-US anti-Comm-nism anti-human rights "movements" have been strangely highly friendly supported or shall I say led by Taiwanese far right "immigrants" especially by a political party Minnanotou which is officially supported by an private workers organization called "Zenkoku Katteren" which an "political" "movement" supports cannabis legalization closely tied with anti-US anti-westerners "movement", for instance in Kanagawa prefecture,bashing against US chain restaurants especially since 2009 DPJ whose supporters include far right anti-US Koreans took the national office. But now many similar far far right Asian superior fundamentalism political parties emerged from DPJ or else which are all much more vocally physically anti-US
anti-Communism anti-human rights fundamentalism far right in the disguise of 'movement' for 'independence from western cultures & US (Japan has been independent though) ' and mainly led by far right fundamentalstt anth-US anti-Communism violent pro-cannabis Taiwanese gangs which are also discriminating south koreans by rejecting Japanese responsibilities for the sexual abuses and sexusial slaves in the World War II. In Japan, Taiwanese far right fundamentalist gangs have been deeply digging certain mentarity of Japanes who have been rejecting to admit their "invasions" against Asia in the WWII.
Taiwanese anti-US anti-Communism far right fundamentalists have been patronizing many Katteren Japanese members who have have complex feelings to highly westernized Japanese peoples or workers with language and academic skills. Anti-US anth-Communism anti-human rights far right Taiwanese fundamentalist 'immigrants' and certain Japanese workers without global skills appeares to have found themselves eased only in anti-US anti-Communism anti-modernization anti-language skills private workers ''community'' which are assumingly politically close to MinnanotouIshinnokaiSeikastunotou or DPJ or even LDPJapanese Who are in conflict with South Korean claims to former Japanese sexual slavery in the WWII.
In Japan, violent physical attack injured a chairman of munincipal education commitee who appeared to try to reject to vote on choosing
one of such Asian superior far right fundamentalism history text book fueling anti-US anti-history anti-China anti-Korea in 2012.
It was by a member, assumingly, of Asian superior far right anti-Communism,anti-US,anti-UN and pro-violence fundamentalism.
All anti-communism anti-US anti-human rights anti-constitution, unless the constitution protects human rights,quasi-''movement''are having similarity with Oum which denied modernization. And it has been so apparent that far right political parties such as Minnanotou, Seikatsunotou, and Isinnokai have been raised their vocal irrational hate against westerners, western cultures, US, Communism, and Korean immigrants especially who claim,correctly,their victimization from highly wrongly organized sexusal slavery 'system' under former Japanese dictatorship led by Tojo military government.
In some case, for example, Tooru Hashimoto, mayer of Oosaka city, actually has annual contracts with a political far right vocally promoting physically violent attack on former prime minister Kan in his twitter who was economic"consultant", which is sometimes a sort of "title"of many many yakuzas who conduct fraudulent dealings for violent organizations, who has no experience no skills in public governance at all for a position of public governance director of a ward of Oosaka city with annual salary 14million yen. No skills no experience does seem to be, as if, a "positive" "probe" as anti-US anti-Communism anti-western superior in such far right "anti-US anti-Communism" fundamentalism "community", which also appears to fuel more anti-US anti-Communism Japanese and Taiwanese gangs and certain political figures in terms of money and power for more political illegal "commission" or "contribution" from unskilled unexperienced highly paid workers only with "good" rumors only if s/he is anti-Communism anti-US anti-human rights and no proper skills including language skills only in such disguised demagogy set up net "community" only for fundamentalism of anti-US anti-Communism anti-UN anti-human rights pro-violence pro-cannabis pro-"civil"arms and anti-Japan Defense Force or anti- law -such fundamentalism probably by Asian superior far right anti-US, anti-europe&anti-Communism anti-western culture anti-human rights anti-language skills or qualification fundamentalism intentionally disguised and pretended as if "leaks" actually quasi-"leak" actually full of demagogies accelerate more wrongly intentional bashing against US against Korea against Communism against human rights or actually against Japanese in a way to demolish every factor that has been protecting Japanese peace&human rights& stability including Japanese constitution. even among such anti-US anti-Communism anti-human rights people including Japanese tend to start saying like: oh well what is the value of stable prosperity and peace?! - ehhhh, brainwashed...pity people. I am Japanese and it is sad to see many brain washed in such "leak" disguised demagogies to brain wash her/him to fundamentalism which simply intends to strip off all human/animal rights to make this earth a place to demolish every living but literally meaning but earth, dirt or say minerals to sell to only far unimaginably super richest survived from gangs under the reign of gang world where only are gangs superior.
The cusrent government led by PM Abe, had closely supported Takamura former Forein Minister, appears to recently start sticking to anti-Korea anti-US, not like normal LDP political stance which has been notrious LDP's moderate? anti-communism, North Korea, as a nation conflict with Souht Korea,China and US, assumimgly for NK's nuclear armed anti-US/anti-Korea anti-China and anti-Russia stands, which is something Japanese should deeply concerned,I assume.
It seems to me that even LDP needs to start flirts to far right irrational self-devastative anti-US,anti-human rights,anti-communism, which all appears to contribute to Asian superior fundamentalism only benefits, seems to be, Asian superior far right funeamentalism based investor who may see Japanese who cannot have proper global skills including language skills or international qualifications and easily lurred by such Taiwanese 'immigrants' far right anti-labour rights anti-US anth-Communism anti-skills&qualifications lower asians to which such Taiwanese fundamentalst based gangs to reign to occupy every dividend/income/revenue/tax benefit for legal entity,private companiesin Japan.
It is like an brainwashing invasion in the disguise of 'independence' from US but welcome to the world Asian GANGS superior world which sqeeze one yen only for anti-US anth-communism anti-human rights gangs who never promised any human rights including labour rights or freedom of speech, freedom of anything or any
peaceful quality lives free from fear of violence,fraud,or intimidation from Asians shall I say Asian ''civil oriented brutal ''civil army'' or say anti-US anti-communism anti-human rights anti-modesnization pro-cannabis oriented far right fundamentalist pro-gang violence Taiwanese gangs or any Asian supereior anti-human rights anth-US anth-communism immigrants or Japanese Yakuza who just care to the means to 'justify'killings of all livings and occupy every valuables of the Asian region especially of Japan.
In another words, anti-US anti-communism anti-human rights anti-modernization anti-law ''immigrants'',Taiwanese far right gangs, may have started slaving Japanese and other anti-fundamentalism highly academecally qualified immigrants, including very decent Chinese, Taiwanese, Koreans, or any, from over the world by ''immgrant''exploit terrorism enforcing ppl to beleive into demagougs via 'net-'anti-US anti-communism community'' and strong ties with anti-US anti-communism anti-human rights anti-labour rights quasi-''movement'' organizations which are more or less or vocally pro-nuclear plants and pro-nuclear arms.
Remember,equal hunan rights in the world have been actually gradually expanding, being materialized and enhancied peaceful human rights activities, by the US/Russia/UK/France/China and UN any other big countries such as Germany/Spain/Italy/Holand/Norway/Sweden/Finland/Denmark/Switerland/Austria/Belgen/Canada/Japan/Korea/UAE/Iran/Syria/Jordan/Saudi-arabia/Egypt/South Africa..etc...
Anti-US anti-modernization anti-communism anti-monetary system anti-banking system all are actually simply accelarates ''justification'' of gang violence to rob and claim as if everything were originally as if belonged to such boarderless gangs.
Under such anti-rights anth-US anth-communism anti-westerners or anti-foreigners world,imagine!,you cannot be appropriately paid for your skills including language or international qualifidations but for brutal viplent activities or bruta/dirty fraudulent 'works'
which increase dividends simply for anti-rights pro-violence gangs.
In Syria, Lebanon,or Egypt or Nigeria al-Qaeda " immigrants" have been overwhelmed.
Immigrants should not be discriminated then far right fundamentalism has been exploiting such rights of immigrants to topple any peaceful states in the name of "rebels" actually qiasi-rebel simply invaders or say anti-US/anti-Communism anti-economics anti-market gangs demolish everything everywhere....
But once a nation tries to regulate such "immigrants" then the nation inevitably starts holding unpleasant political stance against freedom of political thoughts and against normal immigrants who have no violent fundamentalist history.
Fight against fundamentalism is the most difficult fight in human history.
冨田麻里MariTomita=7thclouds(7thclouds Official Site) ©冨田麻里MariTomita. All rights reserved