
What is happening in Egypt is a war for freedom from Morsi muslimbrotherhood dictatorship - Natiz was a 'democratically' elected government.remember?!

It's a war for freedon from dictatorship of Morsi/muslimbrotherhood/al-qaeda!
This is a war to bring Egyptians' normal life of retaining human rights back and freedom from violence&rapings/rootings of muslimbrotherhood&Morsi backed by al-qaeda.
It'is not a matter of difference of opinion. 
It is a matter of freedom from violence of Morsi dictatorship
apparently supported al-qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood which is not military/police but simply gangs to kill/rob/torture/rape anyone against Morsi dictatorship/MB's violence or  anyone muslimbrotherhood seeks to.

I would say there must be someone behinde of al-qaeda/muslimbrotherhood because arms and gun powder are being flooded into 'protesters' hands.
It is also necessary to investigate as to whether who started shootings of peaceful protesters.

It is apparent for everyone that 'protesters' are rooting and attacking around.

Everyone needs to remember ...Natiz was a dictatorship killed such a many NOT with national military or justice procedures but substantial private gangs called SS - like the world eyewitnessing now - Morsi dictatorship merely won in election/votings with threats from al-qaeda/muslimbrotherhood violence from the very beginning of its first election or the amendment to the constitution.
Morsi was not a legitimate president in the first place because the election was under inflence of killings by muslimbrotherhood&al-qaeda which are supporting Morsi.And as everyone worried,what Morsi/Muslimbrotherhood/al-qaeda started was violence-based ganging world reflected into the constitution of dictatorship which exempt any legal charges against Morsi.

As DailyNewsEgypt tells in the following tweets, what muslimbrotherhood/al-qaeda/pro-morsi 'protesters' are doing is not even called as rooting rather militants against Egyptians.
No reason to bend to Morsi/muslimbrotherhood/al-qaeda violence & ganging against national governance/justice/military/police for the Egyptian people atthe time when Egyptians realised Morsi dictatorship/muslimbrotherhho's lies and violence underpinned by al-qaeda militant violence in which no one can be patient with or everyone would stand up against with national military/police/firemen/governance/justice that protect, equally witout any discrimination, Egyptians' or foreigners' life/body/assets and human rights in Egypt.

World must see things happening in Egypt which is people's fight with military for the people against 'protesters' rooting/threatening the nation&the people with terrorists al-qaeda&dictatorship Morsi/muslimbrotherhoon.

World must comprehend the situation as it is where Egyptians woke up from muslimbrotherhood's lies of fraudulent and violent threatening election results.
After the 'democratic' election 'including' a fundamentalist Islamist party rejecting any idea of human rights,freedom from violence,freedom of religion,freedom of work&politicalspeech and democracy without fear unfortunately 'democratically' elected with muslimbrotherhood's fraudlent manipulation&violence led to Morsi's dictatorship.
After 'democratic'election results, Egyptians had been brutally attacked/tortured/killed/raped by muslimbrotherhood then Egyptians along with justice&military moved towards anidea to have new election to start real democracy without violent threatening from al-qaeda/muslimbrotherhood or frauduldnt manipulations, which needed military/police supports.
This is not a coup but real people's war with military/police/justice against 
militant gangs seeking gang world based on 'democratic' election results under inflence from muslimbrotherhood/al-qaeda violence killed 156 policemen! and more hundreds of pro-government Egyptians!

The election Morsi&muslimbrotherhood were elected wks not'demecratic' election in the first place.The election results was a result from bloody muslimbrotherhood/al-qaeda violence killed military&police&government members that were normally supposed to protect Egyptians.

Therefor, no genuine legitimate democratic basis exists in Morsi/muslimbrotherhood parliament but justice/military/police that have retained the normal norm to protect every peaceful life of Egyptians.

Then, I would strongly support Egypt intrim government/military/police/justice supporting Egyptians to have the new election the majority of Egyptians with military/police/justice seeking to have now without fear/fraudlent manipulation from muslimbrotherhood/al-qaeda/Morsi.

UN and the world must not use rhterical to show/justify wrong condemnation against Egyptians with military/police/justice that correctly&bravely stood up against dictatorship/fascism muslimbrotherhood/al-qaeda.
It is Mursi dictatorship supported substantial militant muslimbrotherhood/al-qaeda/pro-morsi'supporters' rooters' armed violence of fascism&terrorism.

Situation is similar with Natiz oqupied Germany!
Military was sided for normal German&foreigners while private armed militant gangs -SS- were keeping the situation as bloody as it could as 'condemning' German military/police was, as if, controlled foregners.

Natiz was simply Germany supremacy gangs to justify in the from of 'laws' allow killing/attacks/rapes/robbing against every opposing to Hitler dictatorship exempted from any charges 'grounded' by  the 'wins' of 'democratic' elections had under the inflence from the violence of SS Natiz.

UN/World must quickly respond to the situation of Egypt by supporthng the intrim government that har proposed,with Egyptians,to have new election without violent threats from Muslimbrotherhho/Morsi/al-qaeda!

UN must send peacekeepers to support the intrim government to control the situation&take bakc law&order!
If any deaths of rooters can justify any condemnations and violence against the government, no government/police/people can sustain any order!
Such nation/world in which any moderate human right conscious
government/police/people can be condemned/attacked by 'protesters' in the justification of militant 'protesters'deaths', such world is to be seen as gang world!Noway!

Pro-Morsi 'protesters' were sent to the street intending to damage the legitimacy of the new election without fear from violence of muslimbrotherhood/Morsh/Al-Qaeda!

This is what is happening!It is
not 'protesters'vs police,it is far right fundamentalists/egyptianIslamist spremacy gang militant have been
attacking EgyptiansEgypt as a nation itself
as Muslimbrotherhoon/Morsi/Al-Qaeda did in 2011!

And again,Muslimbrotherhood/Morsi/Al-Qaeda is seeking to win over the nation/Egypt/Egyptians with violence/violent militant 'civilians'
killing/raping/robbing/torturing/attacking every non-fundamentalist Egyptians or any against Islamist fundamentalists/fascism gang!

It is muslimbrotherhood/Morsi dictatorship&puasi-'democrasy' under apparent threats from killings by muslimbrotherhood/Al-Qaeda to be condemned in the first place!

→ “@DailyNewsEgypt: #Breaking: #DNE's reporter in Arish: Militants attack two checkpoints in South Arish. Several army personnel reported dead. #Egypt”