
If every nation with no election is to be seen as ilegitimate, then, oh?ummm!?almost every nation of middle-east can not be legitimate ever?!Then,oil/mineral origine regions are exposed to every reason of ''air strike'' from everywhere for example from Morsi?

If every nation with no election is to be seen as ilegitimate, then, oh?ummm!?almost every nation of middle-east can not be legitimate ever?
Why no one argue about ''legitimacy'' of certain monarchy nations only where fundamentalism has been squeezing its royals and its oil rights via certain fundamentalism organizations such as al-qaeda/Osama-bin-laden/Hamas, Saudi Arabia, Plestine,Qatar where fundamentalism is so apparently dominant and active not only in streets but rather in the royal led government.

It is NOTabout domocracy but a simple gang motivation as to whether fundaemtalists led violent gangs can squeeze each oil right,right of utilzation of mineral resources as openly as possible as if fundamentalst gangs were ''investers'' not, in reality they are, as oil mobstars in the name of ''democratic ''revolution'' for the ''people'' who kiiled many police&military protecting the people&nation&oil.

Gangs just started robbing/invasion with the peple for the gangs at the area where oil is unimaginably rich&monarchy are remaimed and relatively seemingly easy to control compared with african nations, easy to provoke the people by brainwashing of ''election'' fundamentalism&anti-royal monarchy despite the fact that election does not always necessarily walk with peaceful&human rights conscious governance. Peaceful human rights conscious governance can be possible. 
Election is necessary for democracy but it is not an imperative factor to
be a nation of peaceful&human rights conscious nation. 
Election is not something any foreign nations are to enforce the ppl or is not something foreign-based organization is to urge.

And President Assad and parliament already promised to have open pregidency election in 5~7yrs.Syria also has election in the first place. 
Point is, every civilian 'up-rise' or riot/robbings, NOT an question whether election is to be held or not ...but a only one 'issue' for fundamentalist
as to whether nations which has not allowed any fundamentalist organization such as muslimbrotherhood killed many police&people in 2011 would
start thinking to allow such fundamentalist organizations to run for presidency!

It seems to me that it is so convenient for robbers who have already robbed every oil right Gaddafi had had and now have been trying to rob every nation in middle-east/Asia/Africa/south america or even north america everywhere with rich mineral resources.

Fro now, Assad/Syria/Alawi tribe by brainwashing/exploiting Sunni via Sunni fundamentalism partly because such invasion can be 'justified' with ideology of anti-communism while it might be enabling robbers,of spy satelites,wikkileaks and others, to give a chance to make Russia chaos to be exposed to robbery of the national natural gas &mineral resources! no!

Brainwash2make ppl think only election gives legitimacy of governance is a pattern2justify robbing/invasion to the nations of oil where no fundamentalism organization is ''participating'' into any governace of the nation.

Don't be brainwashed by robbers who to try to 'legally'' posess prescious minerals from the Syrian 'government&people of Syria in the name of disguised ''democrasy'' which is NOT democracy but robbery as everyone sees in Libya where European Natiz just took every valuables from the government&people.
It had happened in Egypt under Morsi&Muslimbrotherhood which is fundmentalist violent gangs in the name of 'political party' who enforced fundamentalist as political party to participate into election which simply had made Egypt nation of violence against people&dictatorship more than ever!

I am NOT opposing to democracy but opposing to quasi-democracy & quasi-'rebels' supposted b& fundamentarism invasion which are simply motivated with its resource robbing at each nation of rich mineral resources where governace has been fine with/for the people but election system somehow is not well-functioned. 

US/UN or any nation should not be in maze of quasi-democratic 'movement' intentionally raised for disguised simple fundamentalism gangs/robbery exploiting the people's moderate peaceful complaints against the government to make violent chaos which is easily 'utilzed' by fundamentalist to raise violent riots and quasi-political 'democratic' hinner armed conflicts to the extent which always gives chances for robbers to take the power to squeeze the oil only for fundamentalist organizations such as Natiz,the robbers in the disguised quasi-lier leakers of 'truth' for Natiz/fundamentalist gangs to justify its lies&robberies from any rich.

I believe in democracy that provides every human&living with rights including the right to create the power to govern the people in peace and equal.
Neverthless, democracy dose not simply mean a
state only with election but a state the governance is made for the people to protect the people&nation.

It is Egypt anti-Morsi/MB dictatorship people/military/justice/police US/UN are to support.

It is Assad/Syrian regime US/UN are to support for their endeavours to protect the people/nation natural resources from fundamentalist gang robbery targetting at president Assad/Syrians/the nation of Syria.

It could happen to anywhere especially to the region where mineral resources exist,which means everywhere on the earth.

Some nation such as Iqaq is/was a nation to support their
own endeavours to fight against Sadam Husein which was extraoredinary exceptional case where every effort was made then any solution
is beingt left after all sanctions on the violent Saddam Hussein for more than 10 years.

What now US/UN/EU are to do is resume sanction on the 'rebels' gangs , NOT on President Assad. 

The quasi-'rebel' gangs killed the Syrianpeople with car bombs, dirty attacks using children as walls exactly same to Saddam Hussein who used babies to cover the headquarters from US/UK allies to bomb on Saddam.

Don't send arms to 'rebel' gangs in/outside Syria!