
VoteNoCannabis! Cannabis (marijuana) kill you in brain, never cure. Cannabis marijuana makes you zombies !

Cannabis (marijuana) cocaine heroin speed crack ecstasy MDMA (Ecstasy) any other similar substances are killing you in your brain , never cure but paralyze your brain nerve capacity not only for a while but by directly damaging gradually to the extent which makes everyone substantial zombies who would not resist to any robbery or killings!Even medical use of Cannabis (marijuana)  should not have been allowed. 
Cannabis "scientific research" broad enough to be "effective"  to allow "medical" cannabis for making more "open market" for gangs and "business" for seeking broader lands for once by making people "things" without brain -substantial zombies-  via poison -cannabis - which in its "effects" to damage brain and nerves directly to the extent which crash every rational way of thinking rather than any substances,besides Cocaine Heroin Speed Crack MDMA(Ecstasy) or similar. 
The reason why universal "medical" "effect" of cannabis (marijuana) became to be seen as "movement" is because cannabis(marijuana) would definitely kill people not in its physical body but in its paralysis, by making organ tissues of brain nerves to make paralyze perception to feel pain or fear or capacity of thinking firstly for a while but Robles is the damages on brain nerve organs have been compiled to the end of brain growth or functioning. Imagine, if you keep slapping your skin then you cannot feel pain at some point for a while but if keep slapping your skin to stop feeling pain for a while your skin tissues are definitely going to be damaged for long to the extent which would not be cured. It can be the same when you take cannabis (marijuana) or similar, you may feel like cannabis as if taken every pain but cannabis(marijuana) or similar substances are actually paralyzing your brain nerve organs/tissues and their function in damaging killing your brain nerve capacity of thinking/perception/recognition. This is the basic reason why "Medical use" of cannabis has not been broadly (legally) accepted. 

The sheer fact everyone or Greens or else must face up with is: Cannabis (marijuana) are actually "effective" to gradually deteriorate or rob capacity that thinks and controls your behavioral integration in rationality as human, which is not benefitting anyone but gangs seeking to rob everything without resistance from possessors in zombie state induced by cannabis (marijuanna) or similar.  So in the first place no medical cannabis (marijuana) cannot be or should not have been legalized anyway because Cannabis Marijuana don't work to cure but blur pain but seriously damage brain nerves to the extent which makes ppl zombies which allow gangs to handle resistance against gang killings, robberies or mob crime inducing etc. 

The United States of America never admits its medical use and effect at its national level, which is vital to know. Off course Japan, where many Novel prizes went to in terms of science, I mean real science, legally bans on any use/possession/manufacturing/selling of cannabis (marijuana) or similar for all the time of its history and never ever admits any medical effect in cannabis or any such substances as many all of you know.
United Kingdom also never admits medical use of cannabis as you know because The Board of Psychiatrists, the board of Clinical Psychologists, the board of clinical pharmacists deny any effect in cannabis (marijuana) at all rather articulates cannabis damage to brain nerves to the extent which trigger very serious  mental illness which are normally very difficult to cure because cannabis does damage nerves and brain directly more depth more than any substances. 
Real science fact is that Cannabis affects brain tissues or growth wholistic cannabis has any effect to cure but make cognitive nerves receive less pain or less feeling due to brain nerve damages.