
People don't know much about what exactly it is. It is NOT Israelis who have been exploiting Palestinians or even exploiting far right hard-liner Israelis

Palestinians are responsible to build better nation. Poverty is not because of Israel but someone who exploited Palestinians to take over the land originally belong to Israel. Palestinians have been exploited by gangs such a long decades by who had intended to occupy the land of Israel by using the third party - Palestinians who were not supposed to or did not intend to take over the land originally belonged/belong to Israel. So it is actually Palestinians who had/have been occupying the land but without knowing or noticing what Palestinians have been doing to Israeli ppl. Under certain laws, however, such Palestinians could be protected only when Palestinians were innocent enough at the beginning of occupation and for some length of time to be recognized as a group of ppl having certain level of right to justify the Palestinians' innocent possessions of the land for their use or even with noticing the land was supposed to be physically, not only in legally, belonged to Israel but the exceptional cases only when Palestinians were occupying the land in a manner of good and peaceful without harming against Israelis for sometime for certain regions where such groups had been living so long ages without conflicts with the original legal right to possess with full recognitions from person/nation legal rights are/were belonging to -Israel. 
Israel has been doing everything possible Israel could /could have been as a person /group of people of legal rights.
This is basically universal in land law on certain concept which respects succeeded continuency
of usage of land under factual continued uncessant events of use
of land.
Then it can be applicable to the case of the region of Palestine too. Palestinians are, some are innocent some are..., continued their occupation over the land of Israel but at the same time the two states solution was concluded because innocence of ancient Palestinians is also necessarily respected to the extent which would give a national boarder line to allow them to have a country in a certain level to the area law can allow Palestinians' innocent peaceful manner of  physical occupation under certain apparent exposed level of understanding of the original people/groups with legitimate legal rights.
Problem is the legal structure to balance of rights
between innocent Israelis with legal rights and innocent Palestinians' unccessant physical use.
Therefore Israelis have come to conclude that there could be tie stations then to certain limited regions where innocent Palestinians had started physically living Israelis may allow Palestinians would build their own nation by legally hypothized rights respecting on long innocent physical occupation without legal rights although it could be very small part of land off course. 
Problem is however there have been certain "movement" disguised robbery is going on lying about the state of Israel as if Palestinians were someone to take control of the whole part of land-No! Utterly Opposite. 
Greens has been lying about legal original rights of Israelis/Israel in making things vice versa intentionally seeking to rob TelAviv from Israel by exploiting Palestinians who were legally originally not having rights to live in Israel. 

Greens/BDS Natiz do know about the above.
Then Greens/BDS/Natuz have started saying like this; "Look, the difference between Israel and Palestine" ?! 

Greens/Natiz have been urging many innocent people to start to take/buy arms  to rob others while intentionally squeezing such people as low wage workers and stealing valuable mineral resources.

What is happening now especially in Gaza is what Greens/Natiz have been doing Africa - made civil conflict and kill each other while Greens have/had been stealing mineral diamonds golds other valuable resources including water resources in Africa in Kigali in Yemen in Somali Uganda Congo Sudan recently Kenia or Mali, much immediately Central Agrica or Libya, Tunisia, or Syria, Egypt, everywhere..only where mineral resources are affluent to the level where certain huge scale multi numbered Green Al-Qaeda Muslimbrotherhoid far right white or tribe -Sumni or else - racial supremacy gangs composed of Qatar Saudi Yemen Germany Australia US Libia, SouthSudan Sudan anti-communism anti-America pro-violence supremacy local fundamentalism based quasi "NGOs" urging violent attacks to allow Al-Qaeda Muslimbrotherhoid penetrate into to make innocent people brutal gangs killing everyone on the land such NGOs seek to take over.

Gaza is rather to be seen as one of such regions of mineral resource affluent where many quasi "NGOsNPOs" - Greens - have been causing hate /killings/robberies against each other to make state uncertain violence of chaos enough to allow such mob based gangs to make lands ruined by its own people's hate.

So, it is importantly to say,it is not Israel to take responsibility about poor state of Palestine but it is NGOs who let Palestinians to keep living there to continue multinational NGOs substantial occupation and probably use of minerals of the regions where
Palestinians had started
living/occupying in the Israel state, for example, to dig mineral resources by using Palestinians with
very cheap wages under very low level security or sanitations whilst urging Palestinians to use violence against Israelis to damage peace talks and 'develop' regions only with violence and hate against Israelis, not against such
multinational Greens NGOs exploiting Palestine and Israelis or
many many nations including USA/UK/UN or so seeking
to help both to exit from meanigless poitless conflict. 
So if anyone to accuse of someone to take responsibility for the current state of Gaza or other areas, it should be Al-Qaeda Muslimbrotherhood whom to be bramed!
It is the same as to the damages Israel has been suffered esp since 2006 when Gaza rockets weretfalling into the school grounds and children!
It is Israel and the world to hope that Palestine could rebuild of peace and non-violent regions including Gaza to invite more investment into the region by claiming certain damage to Al-Qaeda, Muslimbrotherhood and Qatar SaudiArabia based NGOs sending arms to Gaza aiming at hampering peace of Israel and Palestine! 
Israel has right to legally challenge to regain their lands from Palestine  but it has been too much burden on Israelis and Palestinians then international cooperation to mediate the issue in the political proposal of two state solution because Israelis and Palestinanians are innocent enough to exit from battles to go into the future.
So don't let NGOs such as BDS advantage Palestinians and Israelis! Don't let BDS or ANY armed organizations benefit from exploitation against Palestinians with low wages and arm sending
and from manipulations to Israelis with making Israelis feel guilty to be Israelis to the extent which encourage such collective/individual racial discrimination against Israelis: no matter whether s/he is in the position to oppose any Israel government policy.