
Greens/TeaParty are not environmentalist but Gangism Natizm to justify kill/rape/rob/slave in the name of "civil self-governance"where no one control gang violence conqur.

Gangs hate2seeppl2pray4god tellingNOT2KILLNOT2ROB, which bites then gangs started manipulating fools2pray4Satan2make feel gangs much better.
There is/has been no "secret organization". 
Only Ancient Northern European VikingGang utilizing spy satellite&copying the latest science exists in seeking to Conqur/Stealth the Earth.
Problem is NOTEuropeans      NotAmericansJewish        NotChristians NotIslam NotAfricans NotAsians Not CapitalismCommunism but "Greens" or Tea Party manipulating ppl into 
anti-communism anti-socialism 
anti-American anti-foreigners anti-police anti-government tribe/racial/religious supremacy violence "civil" violence oriented fundamentalism in the disguise of "naturalism" environmental hearty cherishing activities which are simple Gangism.

What Greens "advocate" is actually legalization of gang "industry" such as legalization of cannabis(marijuana)cocaine/heroin/
AMDA(ecstacy) etc. which are all damaging lives by making blood stuck in hearts to the extent which causes sudden deaths of any including babies or youths whereas cannabis(marihuana)cocain/heroin cause serious damages of brain nerve organs and especially harm growth of youth child brain/nerves to the extent which may lead to foundamental lacks of growth of brain nerves which cannot be caused by any other mental illnesses then difficult to find proper treatments. 

What Greens/TeaParty have been trying to do is legalization of gun possessions by urging ppl to hate police without reasons but rumors to reduce police budget to lead civilians to be much more eager to become "civil police" which is invitation from gangs to become gang members to have/use guns to kill each other in the world where no police which can stop gangs kill/rob/rape/eat/slave civilians fooled by such gangs in the disguised of "liberation" from police to "civil democratic self-governance" which simply actually means Gang world without anyone can prevent gangs do what gangs take.
Greens/TeaParty then "advocates" no police no military in the disguise of "liberation" from national guards or in the disguise of "less taxation" "no taxation" "no governance" "no law registrations" "because we are rational people who don't kill each other who don't rob each other with good natures then if anyone fire rifles against "us" such scamps are not one of "us" then we need kill such"
which is simply just another world gang reigns but no many civilians may not recognize of such gang rhetoric to justify to get rid of police/governance/taxation/currency to maintain proper inter dealing standard guarantees equality of dealings or exchanges which is unnecessary for gangs because gangs take what gangs want to take without paying but killing the persons the things are supposed to belong to.
Greens/TeaParty then with such intentions try to convince ppl to dump the idea of universal currency but local currency. Because universal currency guarantees equal value and equal exchange rate for everyone and most importantly for everyone who does not have land or any material physical  capitals or resources to exchange for example talent in writing thinking conceptual ideas or music singing teaching broadcasting painting etc. which are or have been seen as something which gangs just robbed or slaved with no payment in the ancient northern Viking gangs where only gangs take or exchange things without any standard rate but hierarchies based on violence to "exchange".

What Greens/TeaParty intends to vanish from the world are police, proper governance and taxation helping civilians health property rights human rights law rnforcement to protect human rights of everyone to sustain healthy economy to sustain everyone's payment job and tax budgets for people in need to make more  bigger sustainable stable dispensable incomes for everyone especially in needs to revive and broaden economic consumption powers to maintain the market lively enough to sustain jobs wages for everyone.

What Greens/TeaParty hate:
Police, gun control, laws NOT to KILL, NOT to ROB, NOT to Rape, NOT to Slave, human rights, UN, parliament, by partisan debates, constituency, governance, legal system to protect rights, democracy, taxation, economy, competition of market for better competitive quality and stable competitive prices, consumption, welfare social system such as pention health insurance for human rights and for better economy for everyone and healthy banking system military which all were invented to live in peace without fear from gang violence. 
And all of those are something which Greens/TeaParty have been intending to demolish simply because all of those are what gangs do not need. 

Everyone should realize what exactly Greens/TeaParty intends to do to you on the disguise of ungrounded "advocation" to reduce carbondioxocide which is nothing do with prevention of natural disasters but do with Greens/TwaParty misleading towards imposing ungrounded "taxation" on industries in the name of dispersing of carbondioxcides to weaken industries in Europe to make European industries depend on European gangs say Swiss Natiz. Plus Greens/TeaParty increased Nuclear Power Plants to embed such terrorism trigger "mines" into the world in the ungrounded "anti-carbondioxcide" which actually exploited to justification of life danger material prutinium burn and preparation of substantial nuclear bomb development in the disguise of "energy" even in the affluent regions of Middle East where no nuclear power is necessary at all. Greens/TeaParty fraud is cored by such ungrounded "anti-carbondioxicide""anti-fire power generation" "advocation" not to retain oil left behind but for banning on usage of any alternatives but nuclear power or hydrogen power which are only materially danger to be exploited for genocid scale arms for terrorism threats by gangs.

Greens/TeaParty are another types of gang activity stealth invasion intending to Conqur the earth by using civil activity to demolish governance protections for the civilians themselves.

People should not be manipulated and exploited by Greens/TeaPary Natizm violence supremacy Gangism which use you to vanish every protection for you by yourself in the disguise of "liberation from national governance to civil own self-governance" where only the very ancient "pure blood"Northern European ancient super white gang supremacy reigns.