
The world should not ignore the Assad Syria Gov/Syrians in Syria/refugee camps! Stop sending arms, food and money to the quasi-rebel gang organizations FSA/Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood! Not any more! Send foods and medicine directly toPresident Assad Syrian Government/Syrian refugees/UN WFP/UNHCR political fair to the Assad president Alawais Shiite Shiia Christians and Sunnis etc. who all have been suffered from violence of FSA/Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood brutally bullying raping killing torturing Syrian women men ANY especially in need for a proof of justification of robbery against Assad/Syria/Alawai/Christians/Shitte/Shiia or any via violence gang supremacy in the disguise of "FSA/Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood etc. Sunni trainable supremacy"

The world must focus on measures to allocate national UN budgets for letting Syrian civilians inside or outside Syria survive to see spring sunshine! 

Saudi Qatar European, whether such nations have been suffered from such presence of arm/solder sending NGOs happened to locate in Saudi/Qatar/Sudan/UK/Swiss/Yemen etc.,any NGOs sending heavy arms/solders to Al-Qaeda or else quasi-rebel gangs to be in the position to take primal responsies for helping Syrian refugees and civilians; most importantly NOT rebel gangs!

UN human rights committee must compile and make analysis of the measures of NGOs crimes which have supported sent arms and money to quasi "rebels" FSA which killed and refugees 100000 more and to continue chaos and devastation of Syrians and the land of Syria! Saudi/Qatar/Sudan/Yemen and European countries must stand up control such NGOs working with FSA Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood/ etc. which have been literally aiding violent gang organizations FSA/Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood 

in the disguise of political actually only with intention of robbery of national valuable mineral resources with heavily arms. Each nation along with UN should start move to charge such NGOs.

Do not support rebel gangs FSA/MB/Al-Qaeda violence supremacy gang fundamentalism brainwashed to kill each other to rob Syria Assad gov oil and valuables to Europe Gangs or Swiss Natiz!