
NO❗️to legalization of cannabis(marihuana)/cocaine/heroin/speed etc.

NO❗️ It is meaningless irrational rhetoric or fraud intending to justify selling of substances which make civilians to stumble upon fraudulent brainwash to dump their every valuable much easier or to kill each other more easily. 
For example, "oh there have been gang organization robbery, assault or murders are existing even tax payers put money into then we should stop arrest gangsters" you agree!? No❗️
But problem is ..if you were gangs you would say yes. 
Yesterday today everyday police protect ppl from gang assaults,robbery and murders no matter how murders  and gangs are not vanished, police exists to fight against violence to protect ppl from gangs with arms which surpassed physical "power" urging ppl to have arms to be embedded into all gang world without law where ppl kill and rob each other to decide everything to be. 
Don't be fooled by gang justification theory or gang rhetoric to drag ppl into gang universal world where everything is on violence without any governance law and orders that protect ppl's peaceful life without arms.

In other words if I would put it into cure and cancers.
"No matter how doctors cure patients cancers are existing. So no more any budgets into study of cancer or medicines because many cancer patients are everyday dying"
No! Yesterday today development of medical technology helps ppl from cancers or any difficulties.

Rhetorical fraudulent "Green" "movement" is actually shows it's inconsistency in its serious pretense as if it were worrying about Syria whilst it's rhetorical attitudes "fascinating" in continuous sending arms to Syria to let kill each other until when oil and valuable resources are robbed from Assad and Syrians and brought all to someone "for good reason" to make more dividends from new oil companies in Europe by European gangs with less or no tax in its disguise of "charity" or so as just exactly Libyans had/have been suffered from.

No matter how any civil conflicts are not seemed to end at anywhere ppl kill each other with huge heavy arms being sent from "somewhere" for almost never ending period of time, once it is about attacks against governance, police or armies, such rhetoric is very much positive in such attacking or demolishing of any governmental organizations, no matter a GOV is democratic or not. In such a case, even there is no chance for brutal gangs to wrongly beat police or military protecting ppl, it has continued its heavy arm/huge money sending until the time when it wrongly wins over police/military under proper governance or law and orders. 

But wait a minute!
Such fraudulent rhetoric "movement" has been trying to convince ppl like;"no more police because police cannot stop cannabis crime". It is seemingly never feeling tired if it is about attacking any proper governance of law and orders against gangs especially even when rather police takes appropriate human rights procedures whilst it always fed up with any police efforts to stop gang violence and gang "industries" selling cannabis cocaine heroin or arms to crash any laws of not to kill or not to harm your own and any others' bodies and brains.

So what exactly fraudulent rhetorical greens "movement"  or terrorism are intending to?!

It's a rhetoric which seems to be actually trying to stop law and orders but gang killings which have continued stopping governance, law and order whilst governance police military have been protecting ppl and property rights, freedom, rights to live in peace without violent threats or gang armed robberies murders. Simply saying, rhetoric "movement" is intending to build a world of gangs where arms and physical violence decide. 

Mental disorders are not danger to the society. Mental disorders are caused by certain varied physical material nerve damages malfunctioning, which can be controlled or be remedied by usage of medicine for patients welfare consistent with patients' human rights and interests.Nevertheless, cannabis/cocaine/heroin etc. substances intentionally designed or naturally composed of to damage specific part of brain which are crucial to feel physical fear or immediate physical or material danger to avoid violent attack or damage to him/herself or others. Such state cannabis/cocaine/heroin etc. induce into are not simply equivalent to those mental illness patients experience.
Since substances such as cannabis/cocaine/heroin are damaging brain functioning much seriously which is not equivalent or similar with each other at all. 
Substance such as cannabis(marijuana)/cocaine/heroine damages brain nerves to the extent which often causes criminal or non criminal physical violent conducts such as murders or mortal violent attacks to others not because of fear of arrest or not because of police searches but because of such substance function which damages brain nerves controlling fear and normal recognition to the extent which reduces feeling of fear to violently attack others or crash anything including him/herself while increasing violent motivation to attack others or themselves.
Such a state of brain nerve malfunctioning symptoms where cannabis/marijuana cocaine/heroin users are normally exposed to is normally not being observed in any simple mental illness symptoms not involved in substance misuses.
Cannabis/marijuana/cocaine/heroin substance misuse is causing different level of serious state of brain functioning which is basically different from such seen in mentally disorders,which is much difficult to care and control by medicine but rehabilitation to stop misuses to stop take such substances.
Also,cannabis/marijuana/cocaine/heroin use then are often causing criminal conducts of murdering or violent attacks, which is opposite to mental illness normally do to the others and society.

Cannabis(marijuana)cocaine/Heroin are predicted to increase crimes as such substances have done to societies and others, which causes much insecurity state of your community which expands the range of what you have paid to the extent which exceeds the cost for police and criminal justice. Cannabis/Marijuana/Cocaine/heroin crime are not decreased at all in legalized areas but rather seemed to be increased than before because civil "cannabis biz" have been grown to the extent which urges civil "pot growers" to attack against each other to obtain "pot route to sell".
Not because of policing or law regulation banning on produce/usage/selling of cannabis/marijuana/AMDA(ecstasy)cocaine/heroin, but because of "fight in sales" of cannabis(marijuana)/cocaine/heroin etc. is the reason of killings and attacks.
The weights and amounts of damages in human lives and budgets from legalization could be more than anyone estimates. 
No to legalization of any of such substances. 

Cannabis legalization is just another gang industry fascination into rhetoric to "justify" what gang organization enjoys in selling substance which makes gangs urge/manipulate ppl to physically damage others against each other without fear easier.