US weirdly lost direction on this matter. Syria and Assad regime has rights to be equally treated as any other nations. Syria /Assad has proper rights to protect their lands, nation, people including Christians and Sunnis, sovereignty and democracy and the power of governance/parliament with police/law&order to stop terrorism or foreign supported heavily armed killings attacks on Syrians and Assad regime/the Government. If US would support SaudiArabia's Sunni violence supremacy fundamentalist then US is supporter of terrorism and invasion against Syria and its sovereignty! No. I hope US would not do so even in turn for peace talks between Israel and Palestine. No. Don't bend into Sunni gang violence supremacy in Israel, Syria or even in Palestine. I would say: if US would bend to Sunni violence supremacy mainly apparently represented by Al-Qaeda/Muslimbritherhood/FSA/ISIS then it would start dragging Israel and Egypt. Middle-East including Jordan need to get together against Sunni Violence Supremacy gangs otherwise it would happen to you next after robbery against Assad/Syria government. What exactly Sunni Violence Supremacy Gangs FSA/ISIS/Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrothrrhood, all are of piece Nazis, intend to is to let all rich affluent a in middle-east or the world give into Nazis in Swiss by violence in the disguised of tribe supremacy, such as Sunni violence supremacy, or quasi-revolution in the disguised of making "even". Look. What is happening in Syria or Libya: Shite,Shia,Alawai,Christians and Israelis/Jewish have been all brutally killed. If you compromised with the US "offers" to rob Syrians/Assad regime government then surely it append to you on your soil. Stop "rebels" robbing Syrian government and Syrians including. Shites/Shias/Christians, Now and forever to reject any cooperation for "rebels" who have been killing and robbing everyone no master how his/her religious faiths but for their national mineral resources!
No legitimacy in supports for killings and arms for killers in the name of "rebels" or "democracy".
No one has rights to delete any governance only if a regime rejects someone's offer to rob national mineral resources. No.
Oh, by the way, Saddam Hussein is illrerevent to Assad. I would let you know the sheer apparent difference between Iraq intervaine and what the US has been doing to Libya, Tunisa, Sudan and Egypt:
Sadam Hussein himself was/had been a "leader" of brutal killings and robbery against Krudes, middle-east and Iraq people for decades under circumstances in which someone has been using Sadam Hussein to rob middle-east, Krudes's along with Sunni Violence Supremacy Gangs represented Al-Qaeda/Myslimbritherhood.
Saddam Hussain was about to invade all region of the Middle-East of oil affluent. It was Sadam Husseain who had been invading and robbing oils in the Mddle-East by attacking neighboring nations and regions for decades.
The is/was why certain Nazis people were wrongly or intentionally rushed into a quasi-campaign against US/UK allies. At the time of US Iraq intervaibe. Nazis intended to retain Nazism control over oil in Iraq by trying to retain Sunni Violence Supremacy fundamentalism of Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood in the name of Islam violence supremacy closely attached with anti-communism anti-big countries and anti-west propaganda.
Wrongly motivated media campaign represented AlJazzeira aiming at undermining legitimacy of US/UK war against Saddam Hussein was actually functioning and supporting Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood brutal robbery against the Middle-East. Saddam Husssin was not only a president but a Nazis "leader" of killings and robbery against Middle-East in its disguise of Islam tribe supremacy which is actually Sunni gang violence supremacy designed to rob the Middle-East for Swiss Nazis as it functioned so in Libya which ended robbery for Nazis oil steelers from Libya!
Iraq Saddam Hussein was a core of European Nazis robbery against Middle-East via Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood/Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Radadin Sunni gang violence supremacy fundamentalism which simply means Islam self--kill violence heavily armed based on foreign European Nazis money over decades just exactly Gaza Muslimbrotherhood has been doing to the area and Palestine.
Saddam Hussein is/was utterly opposite to Assad. Or more exactly saying utterly irrelevant with Saddam Hussein.
Saddam Hussein had been supported by Sunni gang violence supremacy Al-Qaeda Muslimbrotherhood.
Saddam Hussein had been killing several hundreds of thousands in the Middle-East and Africa or anywhere for decades.
Syrians/Assad regime and Syrian government have had elections/parliament and own sovereignty.
No reasons or legitimacy are to given to any foreign nations or military to attack the nation.
What made what has been happening to Syria?
Syria police arrested Sunni violence supremacy gang children who wrote something threatening against the regime on the walls of streets then riot was raised by foreign NGOs along with air strikes by Al-Qaeda which had killed 3000 Syrian army in one week. From the very beginning all "protests" were raised by foreign NGOs in the name of "rob democracy for Sunni immigrants without Assad and Alawai, the main national ordinal tribe from the nation ancient origin", Shites/Shiia/Christians but Sunni gangs aiming at toppling Assad regime which had not and would not agree with Al-Qaeda's intention to build a nation for Sunni immigrants gang violence supremacy and reduce of oil production to boost nuclear power plants because certain people need to raise price of oil for making this world more insatiable by increasing nuclear power plants' mines in the disguise of nuclear power plants or hydrogen power plants which are easily transformed to mass killing bombs and arms.
What was going on via robbery against Middle-East by Saddam Hussein, which is not only robbery against oil affluent, is/has been materialized via FSA/Al-Qaeda/ISIS or similar in the disguised of "helping democracy of Syria" via the US/UN or so?!
No way! I hope not.
This time also what the US/UN should do is to tackle and stop Al-Qaeda/FSA/ISIS/Muslimbrotherhood or gangs similarany nations killings/attacks on Syria/Assad government or stop /ban NGOs sending arms for "revels" robbing Syria/Assad government .
Nevertheless, as far as I became to know from news , the US government seems to somehow lost its direction on this matter, which is my serious concern.
Don't manipulated by someone who has been unscientifically anti-oil energy electricity generation seeking to make the earth under nuke/hydrogen bomb threats, anti-economics anti-capitalism and anti-communism to justify less population world which means simple justification of more killings and deaths in the world: economy no matter how it is capitalism or communism need population. Don't be lured by money aiming at your compromise to let Nazis/Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrothethood/FSA/ISIS kill more as they wish in robbery in the disguise of "democracy" or in the disguise of tribe supremacy against exports of oil to foreign countries on the land where elections/parliaments exist or where people's' lives had been relatively safe in peace without elections like Libya. In Libya, people were just killed each other under manipulation by Al-Qaeda / Muslimbrotherhood's Islamist Jhihadists' tribe supremacy which is based on actually violence supremacy gangs in the sake of retaining oil to Libyans, which ended up all oil rights were gone to Europe just after Sunni immigrant violence supremacy gangs in Libya and neighboring countries killed Gaddafi who had win over European Viking white gang supremacy dictatorship and Muslimbrotherhood violent relgm who took over violent dictatorship from European Viking white gang supremacy ages ago. And Viking gang is aiming at conquer the world including US. What the US/UN must stand up still is anti-European Viking gang supremacy such as Al-Qaeda/FSF/ISIS/Muslimbrothrrhood and Nazis in Swiss and other regions or greens, which is/has been so apparent for anyone, isn't it?!
Please see the following article to know what is the issue: please read the following article by AFP on 02.15.14, 18:18 via Israel News;
"Assad regime accuses Israel, US of Syrian talks stalemate
Second round of negotiations in Geneva reach dead end. Syria's envoy to the UN says Washington pushes rebels to 'escalate militarily.'
Syria's regime on Saturday accused Israel and the United States for undermining UN-brokered peace talks and blamed the opposition's refusal to settle the issue of "terrorism" for the deadlock.
"Everybody is trying his best to undermine the whole process, either Israel or unfortunately the Americans, or even the sponsors of the so-called coalition and the opposition," Syria's top negotiator Bashar Jaafari told reporters after a second round of talks wrapped up fruitlessly.
Jaafari, who is also Syria's ambassador to the United Nations headquarters in New York, pointed to US President Barack Obama's pledge Friday to take unspecified "intermediate steps" to pressure the regime.
Related stories:
- UN mediator: 'Ice is breaking' in Syria talks
- Syria foes set to end talks with no concrete progress
- US: Syrian government poisoning talks by denying aid
He also accused Washington of pushing the Syrian rebels to "escalate militarily" notably by stepping up fighting on the country's southern border with Jordan.
"Those people are not really committed towards guaranteeing the success of the Geneva conference. On the contrary, there was no goodwill at all," Jaafari said.
The Geneva talks, the first round of which was in January, mark the biggest international push to end three years of war in Syria.
They were initiated by the United States, which backs the opposition, and Russia, a key ally of the regime of President Bashar Assad.
The regime insists the talks must focus on "terrorism" - its broad-brush term for a rebel movement it claims is fuelled by foreign jihadists and Gulf money.
But the opposition says the negotiations must center on bringing democracy to Syria, and accuse the regime of terror tactics through its brutal military methods.
Wrangling over the agenda prevented any progress in the second round, which began Monday.
UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi told reporters Saturday that an agenda had been agreed for a future meeting - starting with the issue of violence before moving on the following day to political change - but that the regime rejected that plan.
Jaafari said there was a "very simple reason."
"We cannot move from item one, to item two or item three or item four, without fully considering this item and concluding by a common vision of this item by the two sides," he explained.
Despite the blame-trading and deadlock, Jaafari insisted the process was not over.
"We will be back," he said.
"We don't have an impasse. We are still in negotiation. We didn't say that we failed."
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