
What "anti fascist counter demonstration" in violence means: Violence gang terrorism anarchism creates anti immigration demonstration and "anti fascist" violence terrorism in the disguise of "anti anti-immigration" to justify violence gang terrorism attack on national governance, police, defense military presence of law enforcement upon gangs and terrorists.

It is certain world sad tendency that self claimed "anti-fascist" violent anarchist groups are attacking civilians and police which side for protection of freedom of speech. Such "anti fascist" groups have been created/ "well organized" by certain violence gang supremacy of gang money laundering which actually have been creating/supporting/organizing far right anti immigration demonstrations/political organizations. 
Gang violence anarchism supremacy on gang money laundering has started pouring into "political" disguised anarchist violence terrorist organizations such as Muslimbrotherhood Alqaeda FSA KKK Unification Chirch to justify violence against generally national governance. Such lines have changed the course if direction to anarchism violence gang supremacy terrorist groups in their disguse of "anti fascism" to justify attack on national government and police that protect freedom of speech of any.
This shift means a lot to gang violence terrorism supremacy because gang violence terrorism supremacy now starts walking on the streets in the name of freedom speech in its disguised "anti fascists movements" whereas gang violence terrorism organization are also waking on the streets as demonstration of "anti immigrants against violence by immigrants" which both are substantially serving for violence hang supremacy. Plus, it creates odd and sad situation; the more people try to protect freedom of speech, the more people are to be deemed as, as if, far right fascists because violent conflicts are apparently increased only between far right anti immigrant demonstrations and violent 'anti fascists' violence gang terrorism supremacy intending to justify crash of any demonstration and freedom of speech. And there must be real implication in such odd "movements" linking anti immigration demonstration with violence gang terrorism of "counter" demonstration in its disguise of anti fascism.
 In Japan, Zaitokukai Taiwanese supremacy anti Koreans anti Japanese far right organization has launched its demonstrations against Korean immigrants on the streets which are always along with "anti fascist" violent groups mainly occupied by DPJ = UnificationChurch by Korean far right against Taiwanese gangs and Japanese social democracy/communism. And the thing that you can't ignore is that the Taiwanese anti Korean demonstrations are intentionally budget ally designed to promote or justify existence of Korean far right gang supremacy - Unification Church in anti movement against anti gang of Social Democratic Party / Liberal Democratic Party/ Japanese Communist Party. Apparently Zaitokukai "anti-Korean demonstration" budgeted by far right anti Jaoan Taiwanese gang money laundering is closely linked with exactly the anti zaitokukai Unifocation Church gang supremacy money laundering in its disguise of "anti Zaitokukai" violent "anti demonstration anti fascists" "counter" demonstration. All in all, counter demonstration and Zaitokukai anti Korean demonstration both intentionally carefully target only Korean town rejecting Unification Church Korean Chinese Teaiwanese gang supremacy against Japan or Japanese peaceful manner of cohabitatation between Japanese and immigrants without gangs.
There have been apparent "political" string from violence gang terrorism against Japanese authority of National Governance of LDP&Koumei and SocialDemocraticParty&Japanese Communist Party against violence gang terrorism; no matter which economy system each political party takes; no matter which racial backgrounds or no matter which religious faith/no religious non faith each "organization" or "protester" or "political party" takes.

I hope this has very implications to see what is "violent anti fascists "movement" or what is "anti racial discrimination counter attack" attacking every people and police protecting freedom of speech. 
At the end of the day, it would be apparent to everyone's eyes that such "anti discrimination anti fascist "movements" are designed not only to occupy and gulp and crash ordinal democratic anti violence anti gang movement against anti fascist demonstration because demonstration of anti immigrant and counter demonstration of anti fascists are both from violence gang supremacy which are both designed to recruit any from any racial faiths for violent gang terrorism supremacy against nation and governance/police.